7 Expert Hair Growth Tips Recommended By Hair Specialists

7 Expert Hair Growth Tips Recommended by Hair Specialists

On average, healthy hair grows steadily, at a rate of approximately 0.3-0.4 mm per day. That means you can hope to gain about 1-1.2 cm in length per month and 12-15 cm per year [1]. Your natural hair growth rate…

Norwood Scale Featured Image

4 Reasons Why You Might Be Losing Your Hair

Hair loss is a hugely distressing physical issue for men (and increasingly women). A YouGov America survey found that most 18-24 year olds -- male and female -- are "terrified" of going bald [1]. So what causes hair loss? And…

Diffuse Thinning: Signs, Symptoms, And Treatment Options

Diffuse Thinning: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Hair loss can be a completely normal part of life and most often does not pose a concern, especially when it comes to aging. In fact, over 85% of men [1], and 50% of women [2], will experience hair loss in…

Does Wegovy Cause Hair Loss? Expert Review (2024)

Does Wegovy Cause Hair Loss? Expert Review (2024)

While it is one of the few medications approved specifically for weight management, Wegovy can cause hair loss in some people. Studies show that 3% of adults taking this treatment experience hair shedding [1]. However, it is difficult to tell whether this effect is…

Hair Transplant Falling Out After 1 Year: What To Do Next

Hair Transplant Falling Out After 1 Year: What To Do Next

Hair transplants are an investment in your appearance. After a year, you should be starting to see the final results of your hair transplantation, not worrying about losing more hair.So what can you do if your transplanted hairs are falling…

10 Expert Tips On How To Grow A Fuller, Healthier Beard

10 Expert Tips on How to Grow a Fuller, Healthier Beard

Many men wonder how to grow a fuller beard, as they only seem to be able to produce sparse facial hair. For some of them, this is related to their age, genes, or male hormone levels. Others experience conditions that…

Apple Cider Vinegar For Hair Featured Image

Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair Loss: Evidence Review 2023

Using apple cider vinegar for hair loss sounds too good to be true. And that is because it is — most of the hair benefit claims which have arisen on the internet about this remedy have yet to be proven…

Minoxidil Shampoo: Does It Work?

Minoxidil Shampoo: Does It Work?

As you've probably guessed, Minoxidil is a primary ingredient of Minoxidil shampoo. The medication is the only FDA-approved topical drug used to treat or slow down hair loss.In a 1-year Minoxidil results study conducted by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), comprising…

How To Get Healthy Hair, According To Scientists

How To Get Healthy Hair, According To Scientists

Since 80% of men and 55% of women experience hair loss during their lifetime [1][2], many people go to great lengths to get healthy hair and keep it that way for as long as possible. Shiny, soft, full hair is…

Summer Hair Loss: True Or False?

Summer hair loss: true or false?

During the warmer summer period, many people experience more hair shedding than usual. A study showed female hair loss increased by up to 6% per day in summer, compared to the average hair loss rate [1]. Summer hair loss or seasonal hair…


Shock Loss After Hair Transplant Surgery

Around the second week following your hair transplantation surgery, you may experience some hair transplant shedding. This type of shedding is known as shock hair loss, or recipient-site effluvium [1].This is nothing to worry about! It is normal to experience shock…

Will I Go Bald If My Dad Is

My Dad Is Bald, Will I Go Bald? Baldness Gene Explained

Male pattern baldness affects most men at some stage of their life. By the age of 70, 80% of all men will have started to go bald, with many men approaching the latter stages of hair loss by this time…

Does Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?

Does Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?

Diabetes is a condition that can cause a range of effects on the body and affects more than 4.9 million people in the UK alone [1].If you've been diagnosed with diabetes, you may be aware of the different ways this…

Pubic Hair Transplant: Procedure, Costs, Results, Side Effects

Pubic Hair Transplant: Procedure, Costs, Results, Side Effects

The role of a pubic hair transplant is to restore hair to the pubic area. This procedure can reverse the effects of laser hair removal and treat a range of medical conditions that cause pubic hair loss. Pubic hair transplants generally…

Finasteride Bottle

Does Finasteride Regrow Hair?

Finasteride is known as an effective medication for stopping hair loss caused by male pattern baldness (also known as androgenetic alopecia). Many men use it to control hair loss and maintain their existing hair. But did you know Finasteride can also stimulate…

Do I Need To Use Finasteride After A Hair Transplant?

Do I Need To Use Finasteride After A Hair Transplant?

While hair transplant surgery is a highly effective solution to previous hair loss, it isn't necessarily the first or final step of hair restoration. Many patients suffer from hereditary or pattern balding, therefore to reduce future hair loss, a hair transplant surgeon…

Are Low Carb Diets Bad For Hair?

Are Low-Carb Diets Bad For Hair?

Most of us strive to remain healthy and stay looking and feeling our best; and for some of us that can involve very strict diets, workouts and regimes. One of these lifestyle choices may be to opt for a low-carb or ketogenic diet, where carbohydrates are restricted or completely eliminated, such as with the Atkins or Keto diet regimes.
3A Hair: What Is It, How To Care For It & Avoid Breakage

3A Hair: What Is It, How To Care For It & Avoid Breakage

Your hair type defines how you should care for it. Type 3A hair is one of the trickiest to look after, as you'll have a mix of waves and loose curls, and might be prone to frizz.When you know how…

Hair Plugs Vs Hair Transplants

Hair Plugs vs Hair Transplant: What’s The Difference?

The revolutionary hair transplant techniques used at the Wimpole Clinic are still relatively new. As recently as the 1990s, hair transplant surgeons relied on hair plugs or hair implants to restore people's hair. While it may sound like there are some similarities…

Best Rosemary Oil For Hair Growth

Best Rosemary Oil For Hair Growth: Which Blends Really Work?

Rosemary oil is one of the best-known natural remedies for hair loss. With several studies backing the use of rosemary oil to treat male pattern baldness, it’s unsurprising that so many people turn to rosemary oil for hair growth [1-4].But…

Why Does My Hair Feel Thinner Featured Image

10 Reasons Your Hair Feels Thinner and How to Treat It

If you are wondering why your hair feels thinner, you may be one of the 85% of men or 55% of women who experience hair loss or hair thinning at some point in their life [1][2]. It can be naturally…

Should You Take Finasteride In The Morning Or At Night

Should You Take Finasteride in the Morning or at Night?

There are currently no studies to show whether taking Finasteride  in the morning or at night has any impact on its effectiveness. What is more important is the consistency and regularity with which you take it. That is because regardless…

Pityriasis Amiantacea Featured Image

Pityriasis Amiantacea: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Causes & Treatment

There are many different scalp disorders out there – some more common than others – that can affect the health of your scalp and the way your hair grows.One condition that can affect many people is Pityriasis Amiantacea. If you're…

Benefits Of Pumpkin Seed Oil For Hair

8 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Pumpkin Seed Oil For Hair

Pumpkin seed oil is one of the best essential oils for your hair. So, if you’re looking for a natural remedy for hair dullness, dryness, or even hair loss, pumpkin seed oil may be an effective treatment.From preventing hair shedding…

Gordon Ramsay

Gordon Ramsay Hair Transplant: Everything You Need To Know

Gordon Ramsay, the Michelin-starred chef and television personality, has been in the public eye for decades. As a result, his changing appearance has been witnessed and documented by fans and press alike, with special attention paid to Ramsay’s much-improved hairline.In…

Can Women Use Finasteride?

Can Women Use Finasteride? 

Although hair loss is typically something that's associated with men, there are many women who also struggle with losing hair.In fact, more than 50% of women are expected to experience hair loss at some point in their life [1]. Although…

Transgender Hair Transplant: Benefits, Risks And Costs

Transgender Hair Transplant: Benefits, Risks and Costs

If you are one of the 200-500.000 trans people in the UK [2], you may have considered a transgender hair transplant to complete your gender affirmation process. If so, you are not the only one. People who transition from male…

What Your Beard Says About You

What Your Beard Says About You

Beards have been on trend for the last few years. And with styles ranging from full beards to stubble to horseshoe moustaches, this trend doesn't look like it's going anywhere.Many of the world's most stylish men sport some kind of…