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13 Proven Ways To Fix a Patchy Beard
Dr Kieran Dayah (GMC)
Medically reviewed by
Dr Kieran Dayah (GMC)
Updated on September 18, 2024

More than half of British men (54%) sport facial hair today, up from 37% in 2011[1]. So it is not surprising that there is growing interest in how to fix a patchy beard. And there is also a burgeoning industry of medications, therapies and cosmetics that promise to give you the facial hair of your dreams. However, just like not all hair growth products for men work, not all beard treatments are scientifically proven to be effective.

Your beard can say a lot about you and it can affect the way you see yourself and others’ impression of who you are [2]. So if it is sparse, you may need some help to stimulate its growth and fix the bald spots in your beard.

From natural remedies to beard transplants, read on to find out all you need to know about:

  • Why your beard may be patchy
  • How to fix a sparse or patchy beard
  • Examples of styles that can help you mask a patchy beard
Table of Contents

Why is my beard sparse and patchy?

Some of the most common causes of beard hair loss or sparse facial hair growth are innate and difficult to control. Others can be influenced by the right beard grooming practices and lifestyle changes. Here are the top reasons why you may be growing a patchy beard [3][4][5]:

The best ways to fix your patchy beard

Find out how to boost your beard growth in those problematic patchy areas with these tips.

1. Apply Minoxidil

Applying Minoxidil to the beard area

Minoxidil is a proven beard-boosting serum. Applying Minoxidil for beard growth daily has been shown to increase beard hair growth within just four weeks [6-7]. So this is an affordable, easy way to fix your patchy beard.

Apply Minoxidil to the patches and areas where you’d like to see more growth. Bear in mind that if you stop using Minoxidil, it’s likely the patches will return. So consider Minoxidil application a long-term investment in your facial hair.

2. PRP therapy

Man receiving PRP therapy to stimulate beard growth

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy can help tackle alopecia barbae (patchy beard caused by an autoimmune condition) [8]. So if you’re seeing round bald spots in your beard, consider trying PRP therapy.

Platelet-rich plasma is rich with growth factors that stimulate hair regeneration and growth [9]. To get these benefits, PRP therapy involves taking a small blood sample, processing it to extract the platelet-rich plasma, then reinjecting this into the affected area of hair loss.

It’s normally recommended that you get top-up sessions every two to four weeks over a three to six month period to maintain and maximise your results. Speak to a trichologist to get a bespoke recommendation based on your goals and existing facial hair.

3. Visit your GP

Male patient consulting with doctor about beard hair loss

As various illnesses and conditions can contribute to beard hair loss, it’s a good idea to visit your GP for a check up to ensure you don’t have any underlying conditions. For example, thyroid disorders can cause hair loss, as can rapid weight loss, lupus, and anaemia.

Your GP can normally diagnose these conditions with some simple tests. If necessary, they’ll also be able to prescribe medication. Once you’ve tackled the underlying problem, your patchy beard may resolve by itself.

4. Eat well and drink even better

Bearded man recommending a healthy diet

Making sure your diet is well-balanced provides all the nutrients your beard needs to grow and thrive. Certain vitamin deficiencies can cause hair loss on your faces as well as your scalp. As a rule of thumb, a good diet for healthy hair can usually also help your beard density. 

Moreover, strong skin hydration is very important for growing a healthy, happy beard. So drink plenty of water and reduce your intake of alcohol, as this can lead to dehydration. 

5. Use the best beard grooming practices

Man grooming his facial hair

Cleaning and moisturising your beard regularly, untangling it patiently and brushing it gently can be very important in maintaining its health and good condition. Furthermore, trimming it at regular intervals can prevent an unkempt appearance and the development of split ends.

But it is also healthy to avoid a number of common facial hair styling mistakes. For example, tying your beard tightly in knots or braids can put pressure on your hair follicles, causing traction alopecia. So, looser beard styles can make for fuller growth. 

6. Treat any beard skin problems

Man scratching his beard

If you have symptoms of dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis in your beard area, it can be itchy, flaky, tender and unpleasant. Moreover, the constant scratching can make your strands break off.

The good news is that medicated creams can effectively treat yeast infections, eczema, and other causes of an itchy beard. Talk to a pharmacist, GP, or trichologist about antifungal creams and emollients. Natural solutions containing honey and aloe vera can also help soothe your symptoms due to their antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Studies have found that an aloe vera emulsion reduced skin itchiness and scaling in 58% of patients and a 5% tea tree oil shampoo yielded a 41% improvement in mild and moderate dandruff symptoms in comparison with a placebo [10].

7. Nourish your facial hair with beard oils

Man applying oil to his beard

There are currently no studies to show whether essential oils for hair growth retain their properties when applied to beards. However, many of them contain an abundance of fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins and other nutrients that any type of hair needs.

That said, because restricting DHT can actually impede beard growth, try to avoid essential oils that inhibit DHT production, such as pumpkin seed oil and rosemary oil for beards. Safer beard oils include

Peppermint oil for hair which contains menthol, cooling your beard area and soothing itching and irritation [11]).

Applying hair growth oils to your beard can keep it moisturised and nourished. This is because just like you want to avoid dry, brittle hair that breaks off easily on your head, you also want to keep your beard strands strong, hydrated and healthy. 

8. Find the most flattering style for your beard

Composite image of various beard styles

There are so many beard styles to choose from that almost everyone can find an option that emphasises the areas with fuller facial hair while masking patchy spots. Here are a few examples:

Man with a goatee and moustache
  • A goatee and a moustache can mask sparse beard growth on your cheeks 
Man with a Verdi style beard
  • A Verdi style can disguise bald patches on your upper chin
Man with mutton chops beard style
  • Mutton chops work well for men who can’t grow facial hair on their cheeks and central chin
Man with a brett beard style
  • A brett beard can do wonders for men who only have full hair on their lower face

9. Start a work-out routine

Senior man working out in the gym

Working out is healthy for your mind and body alike. It releases feel-good chemicals (endorphins) and has been shown to slightly raise your testosterone levels, especially if you are more advanced in age and have been previously sedentary [12]. Moreover, in time, it can improve your circulation, which can help increase blood flow to your beard follicles.  

10. Reduce stress

Man meditating outdoors

Meditating, doing yoga, immersing yourself in a creative hobby, or spending relaxing evenings out with good friends can all help reduce stress levels. This can have a positive effect on your beard hair by minimising the risk of hair loss related to stress and anxiety, known as telogen effluvium.

If you are experiencing constant anxiety or often have a hard time relaxing and disconnecting, therapy can help you overcome these problems and improve your mental and physical well-being.

11. Reduce or stop smoking

Hands breaking cigarette in half

Smoking can cause hair loss from your head and beard through several mechanisms. Firstly, nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, which means it can reduce blood flow to your beard follicles, starving them of oxygen and nutrients. Secondly, it can cause low-grade inflammation throughout your body. Finally, it can increase oxidative stress, which can damage your facial hair. So reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke in a day or quitting entirely can have a significant positive aspect on your overall health and that of your beard.

And yes, in case you are wondering, vaping may cause hair loss as well if you are using e-liquid that contains nicotine. However, it is not believed to have the same detrimental impact as regular smoking, so switching to vaping may be a good alternative for your beard.

12. Do nothing at all

Man looking at his razor, hesitating to shave

As counterproductive as it may sound, sometimes, inaction is the best form of action. Don’t give in to the growing anxiety you may experience as your beard first comes in – it is likely not its final form. Many men tend to give up on growing a beard after a few weeks of seeing only sparse, patchy stubble. And some lend their ear to the hair loss myth that shaving your beard will make it grow thicker

In fact, the opposite may be true. It can take a long time to grow a full beard; you may need to grow it out for about 3 months before it is considered long enough to trim into shape. But once your beard gets longer, its texture will often mask the initial sparse or thinning spots, appearing fuller and more appealing. So put down your razor, power through the awkward beard stages and allow your facial hair time to grow. 

13. Get a beard transplant

Patient before and after getting a beard transplant
Patient before and after getting a beard transplant

Sometimes, styling tips and home remedies can only get you so far. If you have tried all these methods and your beard is still coming in patchy, consider a beard transplant. While more expensive and invasive than other methods, it’s also one of the most effective ways to get the full, even beard you’re looking for.

At the Wimpole Clinic, our surgeons perform cutting edge beard transplants using the most up-to-date techniques. Explore our clinic locations to find your nearest beard transplant specialist, then book a consultation to discuss your needs with one of our hair transplant consultants.

13 Proven Ways To Fix a Patchy Beard, Wimpole Clinic

Dr Kieran Dayah (GMC)
Medically reviewed by Dr Kieran Dayah (GMC)Updated on September 18, 2024
The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
Talk to a specialist ☎ 020 7935 1861.

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