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Can a Big Forehead Hair Transplant Improve Your Appearance?
Dr Meena Zareie (GMC)
Medically reviewed by
Dr Meena Zareie (GMC)
Updated on May 13, 2024

A big forehead hair transplant can be just as helpful as one performed to fix a bald spot. It is a common hair loss treatment myth that hair restoration surgery can only help people who experience baldness. This simple and effective procedure can, in fact, also help you shape your appearance and lower your hairline.

For example, you can always get a natural-looking hair transplant to correct your big forehead, which is less invasive than forehead reduction surgery. And if you opt for a FUE-type procedure, it leaves virtually no scarring.

Just like a traditional surgical forehead reduction, a hair transplant is permanent, meaning you can enjoy its results forever. Research shows that over 86% of FUE hair restoration patients reported excellent results one year on [1]. And if you prefer to be discreet about your plastic surgery, you will be happy to know you can get a hair transplant without anyone knowing.

However, if you are considering hair restoration surgery for your big forehead, it is important to see a trichologist (hair specialist) or a hair transplant surgeon. They can determine whether you make a good candidate for this procedure.

This is especially true if your forehead is not naturally wide but has been rendered so by a hair loss condition, such as androgenetic alopecia or frontal fibrosing alopecia. Keep reading this article to find out all you need to know about:

  • How a hair transplant can help narrow your big forehead
  • The difference between a hair transplant and a forehead reduction surgery
  • The cost of a hair transplant for your forehead
  • Hair transplant side effects and how to avoid them
  • Non-surgical solutions for a wide forehead
Table of Contents

What is a forehead hair transplant?

Also known as a frontal hairline lowering hair transplantation, this procedure makes hair grow lower on your forehead, narrowing it. While there is no generally established optimum forehead width, a rule of thumb says that in a woman, there should be approximately 7 cm from your eyebrows to your hairline. This helps divide your face into 3 equal parts, which is considered symmetrical and desirable [2]. That is why many people, especially women, choose to get their big forehead surgically reduced. 

A hair transplant to lower your hairline is simple and painless, and you don’t need to spend any time in the hospital after your surgery. It involves harvesting healthy hair follicles from the back or sides of your head and implanting them into small slits especially created below your hairline.

This makes your hair grow lower and, thus, makes your forehead look narrower. Moreover, it allows you to choose your new hairline pattern, improving on what may have been an unsatisfactory or uneven hairline.   

Female patient before and after a forehead hair transplant
Female patient before and after a forehead hair transplant

Can a hair transplant fix a big forehead?

Indeed, getting a hairline-lowering transplant can help you reduce your forehead by 1-2 cm. It can also help fix a messed-up hairline or a receding hairline caused by male pattern baldness. Furthermore, it can change its shape to give your face a rounder, softer appearance. 

While the scientific literature on this topic is scarce, a study was conducted in 2019 on 89 Asian women who underwent this procedure to correct a high forehead [2]. They received, on average, 1320 hair grafts (ranging between 858 and 2220) and had their hairlines lowered by an average of 1.62 cm. None of them reported any postoperative complications, but 12.5% of them requested a subsequent touch-up of 312 grafts, on average, to improve hairline density. 

Ten months after the procedure, patients were asked to report their satisfaction level on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the most satisfied). The average self-reported score was 4.2, while the surgeon’s objective satisfaction score was 4.3.    

Before and after 1.5 cm FUE hairline lowering (1280 grafts)
Female patient before and 10 months after a 1.5 cm FUE hairline lowering (1280 grafts) [2]

However, a hair transplant usually works for a naturally wide forehead or a receded hairline caused by male pattern baldness. If you are experiencing frontal fibrosing alopecia or a similar form of scarring alopecia, things are more complicated. Only a surgeon can tell you if you are a good candidate for surgical hairline lowering upon examination.

Similarly, if you have been in an accident that left you with damaged follicles on your forehead, a hair transplant on scar tissue may still be possible, but only under specific circumstances.

Is a hair transplant better than a forehead reduction surgery?

Both of these options can help you achieve the desired forehead height. However, discussing this choice with a plastic surgeon is best, as they can help you determine the most suitable for your needs and preferences. Before you get a chance to do that, here are some of their pros and cons to consider:

  • You can design your hairline pattern
  • People with male/female pattern baldness are usually eligible
  • If the FUE technique is used, it leaves no scarring
  • Results are permanent
  • It only takes approximately 1-3 hours
  • It can remove up to 5 cm of skin off your forehead (3-4 on average)
  • It offers immediate results (but the incision will still need about 2-3 weeks to heal properly)
  • Results are permanent
  • It often takes longer to complete than forehead reduction surgery (4-8 hours)
  • It can only lower your hairline by 1-2 cm, to avoid graft overharvesting
  • You need to wait 6-12 months to see your results
  • It will leave a visible scar
  • People with androgenetic alopecia may not be eligible
  • It is more invasive and can risk facial nerve damage
  • It can be more expensive than a hair transplant

How many grafts are necessary for a forehead hair transplant?

The number of grafts you may need depends on several factors, such as your gender, the forehead width you would like to reduce and your natural hair thickness and density. On average, people who undergo this procedure normally require a 500-2000 grafts hair transplant.

However, only a surgeon can determine your specific graft needs upon examining you and learning more about your desired outcome.    

Hair graft calculator

What is the cost of a forehead hair transplant?

The cost of a forehead hair transplant varies depending on the number of grafts needed and the clinic where the procedure is performed. On average, in the UK, you can expect to pay approximately £4,820 for this surgery, which is the equivalent of a 1500-graft hair transplant

Hair transplant costs UK
Hair transplant costs UK

It may be possible to find offers of lower-than-average pricing. However, always be vigilant and make sure the providers are authorised, experienced and fully compliant with all health and sanitation codes. Keep in mind that you will still be enjoying your hair transplant after 10 years and more, so it is a good idea to treat it like an investment in your appearance and conduct your due diligence. 

How to get the best forehead transplant results

There are several things you can do to make sure that you are giving your hair grafts the best chance to survive and thrive on your forehead. Here are some of the most effective:

Hair doctor advising patient

Follow aftercare instructions diligently

Once your procedure is completed, your surgeon will provide you with detailed hair transplant aftercare instructions. They range from avoiding touching or scratching your graft area for about 7 days after your hair transplant to how to sleep safely or recommendations of special shampoos and moisturisers to use on your healing scalp. Following this advice significantly reduces the risk of complications. 

Woman who quit smoking breaking a cigarette

Quit smoking before and after your hair transplant 

You may be aware that smoking can cause hair loss. But when it comes to surgeries in general and hair transplants in particular, it is especially important to forego cigarettes for a while.

Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, making the small blood vessels in your scalp shrink and reducing blood flow to your grafts. Smoking also causes systemic inflammation and oxidative stress, which can endanger your grafts. So, abstaining for at least 2-3 weeks pre and post-operation can increase your graft chances of survival.  

Male patient getting PRP hair treatment

Use PRP during and/or after your hair transplant

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) hair treatment involves drawing blood from your arm, extracting the fraction enriched with platelets and injecting it into your scalp. Usually, PRP has a good success rate in stimulating hair growth [3][4], as it contains growth factors that support the healthy functioning of your hair follicles and the production of blood vessels to nourish them.

However, research recently found that using PRP after a hair transplant (or even during the procedure [5]) may increase graft survival rates and considerably speed up new hair growth [6][7].

Clock signifying temporary restrictions

Respect your temporary activity restrictions 

How long after hair restoration surgery you can resume different activities is among the most frequently asked hair transplant questions. They often relate to how soon it is safe to:

While some of these recommendations or suggestions may seem excessive or inconvenient, it is best to follow them to ensure a good outcome for your grafts. If you are unsure if you should wait longer before resuming more strenuous activities, don’t hesitate to ask your surgeon for advice.

Transgender woman

Can a forehead hair transplant help with facial feminisation?

Your forehead width, shape, and hairline pattern are some of the most important facial gender identifiers. That is why many male-to-female transgender people choose to get a hair transplant on their forehead that will make it look more feminine.

Furthermore, research conducted on 492 transgender patients shows that it is possible to get this procedure at the same time as a forehead reconstruction surgery for improved results and a reduced number of interventions [8].

Scalp folliculitis after a hair transplant
Scalp folliculitis after a hair transplant

What are the risks of a hairline-lowering hair transplant?

Generally speaking, hair transplants are safe, painless procedures. The risks of a hairline lowering procedure are the same as any hair restoration surgery (and the serious complication rate is almost non-existent if you have your procedure in a reputable hair clinic). Here are some of the most common:

Most of these mild adverse reactions will resolve in a few days with home care. However, if they persist or worsen over time, be sure to contact your surgeon. They will provide the most appropriate advice and treatment.

Woman with blunt bangs

How can I shrink my forehead non-surgically?

If you are not eligible for a hair transplant or you would rather not undergo surgery, there are still some things you can do to correct a wide forehead:

  • You can also try wearing clip-on bangs to mask your big forehead. Just be sure to pick a light variety and to avoid wearing them for extended periods of time. That is because clip-ons and hair extensions can cause hair loss by triggering traction alopecia.  

Are you considering a hair transplant for your big forehead?

If you feel that a hair transplant may be the best way to permanently solve your wide forehead problems, book a consultation today with one of our world-class surgeons. Once they determine that you can truly benefit from surgical hair restoration, your forehead will be in the most capable hands.

They will be happy to answer all your questions, walk you through the entire procedure and show you our extensive portfolio of before and after hair transplant photos. Should your condition not be suitable for a hair transplant, they can recommend the best treatment alternatives available.

Can a Big Forehead Hair Transplant Improve Your Appearance?, Wimpole Clinic

Dr Meena Zareie (GMC)
Medically reviewed by Dr Meena Zareie (GMC)Updated on May 13, 2024
The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
Talk to a specialist ☎ 020 7935 1861.
Dr Meena Zareie (GMC)
Medically reviewed by
Dr Meena Zareie (GMC)
Updated on May 13, 2024
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