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David Silva Hair Transplant: Everything You Need To Know

With more celebrities openly opting for hair transplants, the process is becoming more talked about. This open conversation can oftentimes lead to hair transplant speculation, especially when it comes to footballers and their changing hairlines.

Like many footballers before him (here’s a list of 23), David Silva chose to undergo a hair transplant to combat his hair loss.

The midfielder seemed to have been experiencing male pattern baldness, with the condition beginning to affect him around 2005. This means that Silva is among the 25% of men who begin balding before 21 years old [1].

As a hair transplant is permanent, many men who have been experiencing progressive hair loss opt for one in place of less permanent options such as medication.

This article will discuss:

  • Whether David Silva has had a hair transplant
  • If the David Silva hair transplant has been confirmed
  • David Silva before and after hair transplant pictures
  • The type of hair transplant David Silva had
  • How many hair grafts were needed for his hair transplant
  • The cost of David Silva’s hair transplant
Table of Contents

Has David Silva’s hair transplant been confirmed?

Though David Silva has never openly spoken about having a hair transplant, the change in his hairline from 2004-present is undeniable, and despite his silence on the matter, we can confidently assume that the football star has opted for hair restoration in the form of a hairline transplant and or temple hair transplant.

David Silva's receding hairline

Before 2017, when Silva shocked fans with a buzzcut, he had a very noticeable receding hairline. On the Norwood scale, he appeared to be at Norwood 3.

The Norwood Scale

In 2017, Silva sported a buzzcut and by 2018 his scalp showed evidence of a hair transplant. Though his head has been shaved, we can clearly see where his hairline has been lowered during the hair transplant process and new grafts secured.

Evidence of David Silva's hair transplantation

You can see where Silva has had grafts transplanted, as the hairline is slightly raised and reddened. This picture of David Silva looks to have been taken around 7 days after a hair transplant.

By 2019, Silva’s hair was growing back in, and he could sport his new, and natural-looking, hairline.

David Silva 6 months post hair transplant procedure

David Silva before and after hair transplant

Eibar days: 2004-2005

David Silva began his football career in 2002 as a youth player for Valencia, and by 2004 he was on loan to Eibar.

David Silva in 2004 (left) and 2005 (right)

In the first picture, Silva was 18 years old and his hairline looked fairly healthy. We can place him at Norwood 1, which Norwood himself describes as ‘minimal or no recession of the hairline’ [2].

In the second picture, it looks as if there is a slight recession at the temples, however, without knowing if he had hair loss, this could be viewed as a mature hairline.

It is normal for men around this age to experience changes in their hairline, as this is what happens as the hairline naturally matures and moves back with age. However, it is likely that David Silva has a genetic predisposition to balding as he showed common signs of male pattern baldness earlier in life, such as hair loss at a quicker rate.

The main difference between a mature hairline and a receding hairline is linked to a genetic predisposition to balding in men with a receding hairline, but other differences include the rate of hairline recession and age.

Celta days: 2005-2006

During his loan to Celta, David Silva’s hair loss had progressed. At this point, his hair loss was around Norwood stage 2, with some temple hair loss and hairline recession.

David Silva in 2005 and 2006

There doesn’t seem to be any evidence of David Silva trying to stop a receding hairline, as he has never openly spoken about it. The football star seemed to cover his receding hairline with his long locks, which is actually a common hairstyle to disguise a receding hairline.

At this stage, it can be common to try medications such as Minoxidil and Finasteride.

Norwood 2 would be a good stage to begin applying Minoxidil to any areas of hair loss, as Minoxidil tends to be more effective the earlier on in hair loss that you begin to use it.

Manchester City days: 2010-2029

Moving onto 2010 and David Silva had been bought by Manchester City.

David Silva's hair in 2010

His hairline was progressively receding, with more temple hair loss appearing, and he was still using his long hair to cover the hair loss along his hairline and temples.

David SIlva's hair in 2015

By 2015, David Silva’s hair loss was at Norwood stage 3, with very noticeable temple hair loss highlighting his forehead.

David Silva in 2016

2016 saw David Silva’s hairline with deep recessions at the temples. The ‘V’ shape where hair loss has occurred on either side of the head is common at Norwood stage 3 [2].

David Silva in 2017

In 2017, David Silva shocked fans when he made the decision to chop off his long hair and sport a buzzcut. Many people who are balding opt for a buzzcut instead of a hair transplant, as it is a cost-free and effective way to diminish the appearance of a receding hairline.

David Silva's buzzcut 2018

By 2018, rumours about the David Silva hair transplant were rife, with fans speculating about his noticeable new hairline.

Though he still had his head shaved, we can clearly see where his new hairline starts as the skin is slightly raised in the area where the grafts were transplanted.

At this point, it usually takes 4-6 months for viable hair growth results to show.

David Silva 6 months after hair transplant operation

The picture above was around 6 months after a hair transplant, and David Silva’s hair was growing back in, with his new hairline clearly established.

We can see that the hairline had been moved forward and the temples looked fuller and more natural. His hair also looks healthier and denser.

Real Sociedad: 2020-Present

David Silva in 2020 (left) and 2021 (right)

The pictures above are from 2020 and 2021, and we can see that David Silva’s hair had grown in successfully, with his hairline looking full and natural.

When his hair blew back in the wind there were no longer large spaces of hair loss at his temples.

David Silva in 2023

In this picture from 2023, David Silva looks confident with his hair growth. He seems to have opted for a shorter style, keeping it simple for the pitch.

What type of hair transplant did David Silva have?

It is likely that David Silva’s hair transplant surgeon performed an FUE hair transplant on him, as the FUE hair transplant method would be the most suitable for him due to the minimally invasive nature and quicker recovery period [3].

One of the main differences between FUE and FUT is the method of hair follicle extraction used for grafts.

In the FUT technique, a strip of skin containing healthy hair follicles that are more resistant to balding is removed from the donor area and sliced into individual hair grafts. This extraction method can leave a more noticeable scar.

In the FUE technique, a surgeon uses a micro punch to remove hair grafts individually. This technique is often slightly cheaper and creates less scarring.

FUT vs FUE hair transplant

David Silva will have consulted with a hair transplantation surgeon beforehand about the best technique for him, as not only is it important that his hair looks good, but it would have been important that he was not off the field for too long.

How many hair grafts did David Silva have?

David Silva seemed to be at Norwood stage 3 before his hair transplant, and using the graft calculator we can estimate that he received anywhere from 2000 grafts to 2500 grafts on his hairline and temples.

informational graphic about how many hair grafts are needed to restore hair

How much did David Silva’s hair transplant cost?

Due to the level of his hair loss and the method of graft extraction that was likely used, we estimate that David Silva’s hair transplant cost around £6,500. However, it depends on where he underwent the treatment, as pricing differs from clinic to clinic.

Hair transplants can be expensive and are often the last resort. They can be even more costly if you don’t do your research and find a reputable clinic.

Many people feel that opting for a cheap hair transplant might be OK as they are saving money, but you are much more likely to have a bad experience, causing hair transplant regrets. Be sure to avoid shady clinics just to save money, as you may come out with a failed hair transplant and an infection.

In fact, in 2022 the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) reported that 0-25% of surgeons said that 6% of hair restoration and repair cases were due to black market transplants [4]. Don’t be a part of that statistic!

Are you considering starting your own hair transplant journey?

If hair loss has affected your confidence and mental well-being and you’d like to pursue treatment for it, then Wimpole Clinic is happy to be of service. Our award-winning clinic is proud to offer the very latest cutting-edge treatments for hair loss.

Each treatment plan is tailored to the patient’s needs and hair restoration goals. We offer a range of services including surgical and non-surgical treatments like laser therapy for hair loss.

Book your free consultation today to speak to one of our hair loss specialists. Our trichology team is also on hand to answer any questions or concerns, as well as diagnose any underlying conditions.

David Silva Hair Transplant: Everything You Need To Know, Wimpole Clinic

The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
Talk to a specialist ☎ 020 7935 1861.

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