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Getting A Temple Hair Transplant For Temple Hair Loss

It’s extremely common to lose hair around your temples, especially as you get older. In men with male pattern baldness, the hair around your temples is normally the first to go and can be seen as early as Norwood stage 1.

While a receding hairline is pretty common, it’s also normal to want to preserve your temple hair. A temple hair transplant is the most effective way to tackle temple hair loss.

So how does a temple hair transplant work, and is it the right treatment for you?

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What is temple hair loss and why does it happen?

Temple hair loss affects the hair directly above your eyebrows. These hair follicles are often highly sensitive to dihydrotestosterone (DHT): a male sex hormone that causes the hair follicles to shrink and stop producing hair.

In fact, while pattern baldness is progressive, most hair loss related to male pattern baldness begins at the temples [1]. So it’s likely you’ll notice thinning here before it spreads across your scalp.

Areas of the scalp which are typically affected by male pattern baldness
Four areas typically affected by male pattern baldness: temples (T), frontal (F), mid-frontal (M), and vertex/crown (V)

Can you get a hair transplant just for the temples?

Yes, it’s possible to get a hair transplant just for your temples. This is usually requested in the early stages of hair loss, typically around Norwood stage 2.

These photos show two Wimpole Clinic patients with different degrees of temple hair loss before their temple hair transplants:

Before and after temple hair transplant with wavy hair
Before and after temple hair transplant with wavy hair

How does a hair transplant to fill in the temples work?

A temple hair transplant works the same way as other hair restoration procedures:

  1. Your hair transplant surgeon assesses your hair loss and the hair follicles available in your donor area to check you’re a good hair transplant candidate.
  2. They design a realistic, natural-looking hairline, so you know what results to expect (see the blue pen in the image above).
  3. The surgical team extracts the hair grafts individually (FUE) or as a strip (FUT).
  4. They make tiny incisions in your temple area and implant the grafts, following the natural pattern of your remaining hair.
  5. After a 12-18 month hair transplant recovery period, your grafts will grow fully, restoring the hair in your temples.

Temple hair loss can often be tackled with fewer grafts than a crown bald spot or mid-scalp thinning, so most patients choose the FUE or unshaven FUE (UFUE) technique.

FUE and UFUE hair transplant surgery leave less scarring in your donor area, and while these methods take longer than FUT, they have a shorter recovery time. So they’re more practical and less invasive for temple hair loss patients.

Temporal peak restoration

Temporal peaks are a natural part of your hairline which can also be affected by male pattern balding. Temporal peaks or points are areas of fine hair at the side of your head:

Temporal peaks pointed to on the head

Good hair transplant surgeons should restore your temporal peaks in hair restoration surgery. While the hair here shouldn’t be overly dense, temporal peak restoration is important for framing your face and making your forehead appear smaller.

Who can have a temple hair transplant?

Anyone who’s eligible for a hair transplant can have a temple hair transplant procedure. However, there are some instances where a hair transplant might not be the best option:

If you haven’t yet lost much hair, you may be able to restore your temples with non-surgical treatments like Finasteride or Minoxidil. These should always be tried before you turn to temple hair transplant surgery. They should also be used in conjunction with a hair transplant to prevent ongoing hair loss and reduce the chances of needing a second hair transplant.

Overharvesting often reduces the number of grafts available in your donor area. So you might not have enough grafts to give you adequate temple coverage.

If you have a type of alopecia other than pattern baldness, a hair transplant may not be appropriate. So it’s best to get a hair loss diagnosis, especially if you’re a woman with female temple hair loss or you’re unsure what’s causing your hairline recession.

Temple hair transplants: before and after

Your temples are super visible, so it’s important to find a hair transplant good clinic that can give you excellent results. Here are some of the before and after hair transplant results we’ve achieved for our temple hair transplant patients:

Wimpole patient before and after 1200 grafts hair transplant

Procedure: FUE
Grafts: 1,200
Time: 8 months

Patient before and after 700 grafts FUE hair transplant

Procedure: FUE
Grafts: 700
Time: 8 months

Patient's right temple before and after 600 grafts hair transplant

Procedure: FUE
Grafts: 600
Time: 8 months

Hairline before and after hair transplant

Procedure: FUE
Grafts: 500
Time: 9 months

How many grafts do you need for temple hair loss?

You generally need 500 – 1,500 grafts for a temple hair transplant. The actual number of grafts you need depends on how much hair you’ve lost.

Wimpole Clinic informational graphic depicting how many hair grafts are needed for hair restoration

How much does a temple hair transplant cost?

According to our UK hair transplant cost research, the average cost of a temple hair transplant is £4,820. This is based on a Norwood stage 2 hair transplant and includes approximately 1,500 grafts.

For hairline transplants that require fewer grafts, you can expect to pay between £3,000 and £4,000 for your procedure.

The actual cost of your temple hair transplant will depend on several factors, including:

  • Clinic location
  • The number of grafts you need
  • Additional coverage (for instance, across the crown or mid-scalp)

Why don’t hair transplants always cover the temples?

The amount of temple coverage you get from a hair transplant depends on your age, and the hair available in your donor area.

A thick, full hairline that completely fills the temples doesn’t always look natural, especially in older men. That’s why restored hairlines often retain slight recession, such as Elon Musk’s hair transplant:

Elon Musk with receding hairline (left) and fully restored hairline (right)
Elon Musk with receding hairline (left) and fully restored hairline (right)

Alternative temple hair loss treatments

Because temple hair loss is usually the first sign of pattern baldness, you can take action to stop it progressing further without resorting to surgery.

Here are some of the best non-surgical treatments for temple hair loss:

  • Finasteride — an oral tablet that blocks DHT production at a systemic level.
  • Topical Finasteride — an off-label liquid solution that can lower scalp DHT levels.
  • Minoxidil — a topical solution that stimulates blood flow to the hair follicles.
  • Caffeine shampoos — leave a caffeine treatment on your scalp for up to 30 minutes (or as advised on the label) to promote hair growth.

That said, many of these treatments are more effective at treating crown hair loss than temple hair loss [2]. So to get the most targeted, effective treatment for frontal balding, a temple hair transplant is your best bet.

Get a temple hair transplant at the Wimpole Clinic

Book a free consultation at the Wimpole Clinic to get a full hair loss assessment and a temple hair transplant quote for your hair loss, with prices starting at £3,499.

Our hair loss specialists will diagnose the cause of your hair loss and work with you to come up with a treatment plan to restore hair and prevent further hair loss. Take a look at our reviews page and gallery to get a better idea of the type of high-quality services we provide to our patients.

Getting A Temple Hair Transplant For Temple Hair Loss, Wimpole Clinic

The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
Talk to a specialist ☎ 020 7935 1861.
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