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Hair Transplant After 7 Days: Photos, Results & Aftercare
Dr. Michael May (FRCS)
Medically reviewed by
Dr. Michael May (FRCS)
Updated on May 9, 2024

At 7 days post-transplant you’ll likely be feeling eager about eventually seeing some hair growth results. However, the most important thing at this point is to ensure that you are taking some much-needed hair transplant downtime. This will help to aid with proper healing and anchoring of the transplanted hair grafts. Any noticeable growth will begin between 4 months after a hair transplant and 6 months after a hair transplant.

Though the 7-day mark may not seem particularly notable, this point of time is essential to the healing and graft anchoring process. It can take around 9 days for a hair graft to securely anchor, and pulling a hair transplant scab can result in a lost hair graft. This is why adhering to the proper hair transplant healing time is essential to determining the overall success of your transplant [1].

At this point, it is also essential to practise good hygiene and aftercare to avoid hair transplant infection. This article will discuss exactly what to expect 7 days after a hair transplant procedure, including:

  • Beard transplant after 7 days
  • Eyebrow transplant after 7 days
  • Washing your hair 7 days after hair transplantation
  • Side effects and aftercare  7 days after surgery
Table of Contents

Hair transplant after 7 days

Hairline Transplant After 7 Days
Hairline transplant after 7 days following surgery

The picture above shows a patient who is 7 days post-hair transplant surgery. It is likely that the individual has received a hairline transplant which would consist of between 1000 grafts and 1500 grafts, which, according to the graft calculator, puts the patient at stage 3 on the Norwood scale.

As you can see in the picture, the transplanted area is starting to develop hair transplant scabs which is a completely normal and necessary part of the healing process.

hair transplant scabs after 7 days
Scaps following a hairline transplant, working slighlty into the mid scalp after 7 days

Norwood 3 is a good stage to receive a hair transplant as there is usually a good supply of harvestable hair follicles left in the donor area. This hair loss could be due to male pattern baldness, which accounts for 95% of hair loss in men [2].

Scabs 7 days after a hair transplant
Scabs healing 7 days post surgery

This picture is also 7 days post-transplant, and the scabs are a lot darker compared to the two previous pictures. This is normal, as scabs can form in different ways and at different speeds.

If your scabs have healed, you can start to resume your normal activities at around this point. This includes exercising and having sex after your hair transplant.

Crown hair transplant after 7 days

crown transplant after 7 days
Crown transplant before & after 7 days post surgery

The pictures above don’t yet count as a hair transplant before and after. However, the difference of 7 days is undeniably significant.

This patient received a crown hair transplant, working into the hairline and temples. These areas of transplant can be common from Norwood 3a to Norwood 7.

7 days post surgery mid-scalp and frontal D
Midscalp and frontal D hair transplant after 7 days

This individual appears to be at Norwood 6, which means he likely needed between 4000 grafts and 5000 grafts.

A crown / mid-scalp and frontal D transplant can be quite invasive and depending on the method used, at 7 days post-op it is essential that you have been taking downtime and practising good aftercare.

Beard transplant after 7 days

7 days after beard transplant
Beard transplant after 7 days

This patient had a beard transplant using the FUE method, which is less invasive. Between 1000 grafts and 1500 grafts were used to fill the patchy areas of the patient’s facial hair, and to create a more natural appearance.

Facial transplant post 7 days surgery
Facial transplant after 7 days post surgery

At 7 days, transplant scabs are present as well as redness. It is common to experience redness and swelling in the area, and this can lead to post-op beard itch, which is normal. This can last for a month or so, however, it doesn’t mean that your transplant hasn’t been successful, though it is important to try not to itch and disturb the transplanted hairs. 

1 week after FUE beard transplant
1-week post beard transplant surgery

Eyebrow transplant after 7 days

7 days after eyebrow transplant
7 days after an eyebrow transplant

At 7 days post eyebrow transplant, scabs and crusts that have formed should start to fall off. There will be some mild redness when scabs start to fall off, however, this is completely normal.

1 week post eyebrow restoration
1 week post eyebrow restoration

You may also experience shock hair loss at this point, which should be expected. Though many people think this is a sign that something is wrong- it isn’t! The hair follicle may have fallen temporarily dormant in order to heal which causes hair to fall out. However, the hair will begin to grow back within the next month or so [3].

7 days following an eyebrow transplant
7 days following an eyebrow transplant

Eyebrow transplant aftercare is essential to a successful result, which means that the 7 days after the transplant are very important. Be sure to follow your clinician’s advice and maintain good aftercare.

Can I wash my own hair after 7 days?

Washing your hair after a hair transplant may seem daunting at first, and you may be worried about loosening the grafts. However, washing your hair is an essential part of good aftercare.

That being said, a good clinician should explain everything about your first post-op hair wash. By doing this, your clinician can show you the right hair-washing techniques. 

After your hair transplant, you should aim to wash your hair every day for the first 10-14 days as this will lessen the probability of infection, as well as loosen any scabs and ooze. Learn more about what to expect from a hair transplant after 10 days.

Medication after a hair transplant

You might feel unsure about which medications are suitable to take after a hair transplant, which is why your clinician should explain the best route. To help you heal, they may prescribe some medication to help ease the process along, as well as aid the grafts in producing new hair.

Directly after the surgery, your surgeon may apply a cortisone steroid to prevent swelling, as well as an antiseptic to the dressings to avoid infection.

You should never take any medications which haven’t been prescribed to you by your surgeon or doctor. 

Here are some of the most commonly prescribed medications after hair transplant surgery:


it is common to be prescribed antibiotics after surgery to avoid infection.


These can be prescribed to combat hair transplant swelling. A common steroid for hair loss is Prednisolone.

Minoxidil (or Rogaine)

It is very common to be prescribed Minoxidil after a hair transplantMinoxidil can aid in hair growth and topical Minoxidil has been proven to reduce shock hair loss [4].

Finasteride (or Propecia)

Finasteride halts or lessons hair loss by blocking the DHT hormone. It is usually taken orally and may be prescribed after a hair transplant to ensure the best chance of new hair growth. Finasteride is not suitable for women. Learn about Procecia vs Finasteride.


After your hair transplant, your new grafts may feel itchy. It is extremely important that you do not scratch them as this could unanchor the graft and lead to infection. For this reason, some surgeons prescribe their patients antihistamines to avoid the risk of an itchy scalp.

Sleeping after a hair transplant

When sleeping after a hair transplant it is recommended that you sleep on your back. You should use only one pillow and put a travel pillow around your neck as this will stop you from turning in your sleep, as well as keeping the affected area at a good distance from the pillow’s surface.

man sleeping with neck pillow after hair transplant
Sleeping post-hair transplant surgery

Sleeping in this position will reduce hair transplant swelling and lessen the chance of hair transplant infection as your scalp is not in contact with the pillow.

Side effects after 7 days following a hair transplant

7 days after a hair transplant you can expect:

  • Hair shedding
  • Scabs to form
  • Oozing or bleeding from your scalp (this shouldn’t be excessive)

Hair transplant shock hair loss occurs during this time frame, as the follicle becomes dormant to establish healing and so the hair begins to shed. Don’t worry as this isn’t a sign of a failed hair transplant! It is a completely normal part of the healing process and the natural growth cycle of hair follicles.

hair growth cycle
Hair growth cycle

After an FUE transplant, you can usually return to your normal routine after 5-7 days. As a FUT transplant is more invasive, downtime usually lasts for around 7-14 days.

Sleeping after a hair transplant can also be worrying, as you are at risk of nudging scabs and dislodging grafts. However, transplants such as hairline, temple, beard, and eyebrows are a little easier to handle as it is more difficult for the transplanted area to touch your pillow when sleeping on your back.

That being said, you are still at risk of turning on your side, which should be avoided during the 7 days post-transplant as the grafts are still fresh and unanchored. To help you with sleeping post-transplant, you may be provided with a neck pillow to aid sleeping after your transplant.

Need advice about a hair transplant?

Whether you’ve just had a hair transplant or you’re considering your hair restoration options, our team is on hand to answer any questions or concerns you may have. If you don’t know what to ask at your consultation, check out our list of questions you really want to ask before a hair transplant surgery.

Our services include expert trichology services, equipped for diagnosing any underlying conditions, as well as surgical and non-surgical treatment options like laser hair regrowth.

Book your free consultation today to learn more about the services we provide.

Hair Transplant After 7 Days: Photos, Results & Aftercare, Wimpole Clinic

Dr. Michael May (FRCS)
Medically reviewed by Dr. Michael May (FRCS)Updated on May 9, 2024
The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
Talk to a specialist ☎ 020 7935 1861.
Dr. Michael May (FRCS)
Medically reviewed by
Dr. Michael May (FRCS)
Updated on May 9, 2024
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