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Hair Transplant Growth Chart
Dr. Michael May (FRCS)
Medically reviewed by
Dr. Michael May (FRCS)
Updated on September 24, 2024

When you’ve had hair transplant surgery, it’s natural to be eager to see results. Hair transplant recovery and hair regrowth is a slow process, so you’ll need to be patient. It’s important to keep in mind that sustained new hair growth can take anywhere from 6 months to more than a year [1]. When your hair transplant surgery is complete and your grafts have settled in, you’ll soon notice some changes around your new hairline.

Find out how long it takes to see new hair growth after hair restoration surgery in our hair transplant growth chart. Learn how to speed up the hair growth process and ensure great results.

Table of Contents

The hair growth cycle

Hair follicles go through 4 distinct stages. This is known as the hair growth cycle. The stages are as follows:

  1. Anagen — On average, 80-90% of hair follicles are in this growth phase. Hair has a strong and steady blood supply, providing nutrients to stimulate healthy growth.
  2. Catagen — It’s estimated that 5% of your hair is in this transition phase. In the catagen phase, hair follicles detach from the blood supply.
  3. Telogen —10-15% of hair remains in the resting phase. Lack of nourishment causes the hair to stop growing as the follicle rests.
  4. Exogen — shedding phase. On average, you’ll lose up to 100 hair strands per day. Hair is dislodged through everyday activity (e.g. washing and brushing). New hairs begin to grow in preparation for the new anagen stage.
The Hair Growth Cycle
Visual representation of the hair growth cycle.

Each cycle usually takes around 3-7 years to complete, with your hair in the anagen phase for most of this time. The transition phase lasts around 10 days, and telogen/exogen typically lasts around 3-5 months [2].

In a hair transplant operation, healthy hair follicles that are still part of the growth cycle are used to replace follicles that no longer produce hair. Learn more about how hair transplants work.

Why does the newly transplanted hair grow?

Transplanted follicles grow after hair transplantation because of donor site dominance. Hair at the back and sides of the scalp — which are usually used as donor hair follicles — retain the original texture, growth rate, and period of anagen throughout your life [3].

As a result, transplanted hair isn’t susceptible to the effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), so these follicles won’t be affected by androgenetic alopecia in the same way as follicles at the temples or on the crown of the head.

Hair growth chart and post-hair transplant timeline

This hair transplant growth chart shows how much new hair growth you can expect to see at each stage of your post-hair transplant recovery. Be aware that everyone’s hair grows at different rates. While the hair transplant timeline given here is typical, you may see faster or slower growth of new hair after your own hair transplant.

Time after surgeryPost-transplant hair growthOther recovery information
ImmediatelyTransplanted grafts show the shape of your new hairlineSlight scabbing as the hair grafts heal — infection management may be necessary
5-10 daysNo changesCaring for your transplant is critical in the first week — follow your doctor’s advice for the best chance of good results
2-3 weeksTransplanted hair grafts begin to shed — your hair may look like it did before your transplant (this is expected and completely normal!)
4-8 weeksSome hair growth expected (up to 0.5cm)You can get your first haircut after your hair transplant (if all wounds have healed)
4-6 monthsFinal results start to be visible
12- 18 monthsFinal results —hair that has been transplanted is now full, thick, and natural-looking

Post-transplant hair growth in pictures

In addition to the hair transplant growth chart above, these images will help you know what to expect in the days, weeks, and months after your hair transplant.

Hair transplant progress: 0-8 months

Post-hair transplant timeline of growth
The progression of growth post-hair transplant
  1. Pre-transplant: these pre-transplant hairlines are typical for someone experiencing male pattern baldness. Hair is receding at the temples. A natural new hairline has been outlined.
  2. 12 days post-transplant: the new hairline is still faintly visible, but some of the grafts have shed. This is normal around 2-3 weeks after a hair transplant.
  3. 2 months post-transplant: slightly thicker hair is visible across the temples.
  4. 3 months post-transplant: the new hairline is clearer, though the patient can still see some patchiness in the transplanted areas.
  5. 4 months post-transplant: hair is thicker and fuller around the temples and on top of the head.
  6. 5 months post-transplant: hair is clearly thicker across the transplanted areas, with some growth still to come through.
  7. 8 months post-transplant: final results are starting to become visible, with full hair and a natural-looking hairline that blends well with the rest of the hair.

Grafts immediately after transplant

You will see some scabbing along your new hairline in the first few days after your hair transplant. Learn more about how to deal with hair transplant scabs.

It’s essential to take care of your new grafts at this time to give them the best chance of taking root. That means taking any medications as prescribed and avoiding vigorous exercise. Find out when you can work out after a hair transplant.

Post-transplant shedding

Hair graft shedding is a normal part of the post-transplant hair regrowth process. You may notice individual grafts (pictured below) or small clumps coming away in the shower or on your pillow.

Example of shock loss post-hair transplant
Shedding is part of the hair growth cycle. Many people with healthy hair lose up to 100 hairs per day — so while it can be alarming to see your grafts fall out, this is nothing to worry about. Find out more about what to expect after a hair transplant and prepare yourself for the next few months.

Preoperative hair vs results at 9 months

This patient has sustained, natural-looking growth across the temples 9 months after his hair transplant procedure.

Hair before and 9 months after hair transplant

Image credit: Med J Armed Forces India

Final results (12 months+)

Between 6 and 12 months after your transplant, your hair is still settling and growing. But after a year, you should have a good idea of what your final results will look like. Take a look at what to expect from your hair transplant after 1 year.

Here are some of the results we’ve achieved at the Wimpole Clinic approximately one year after the FUE procedure.

Rob Holding before and after his FUE hair transplant procedure at Wimpole Clinic

How to stimulate post-transplant hair growth

To maximise the chances of achieving great results (and potentially speeding up the transplant recovery process), there are certain precautions and recommendations you should follow.

Follow your surgeon’s aftercare advice

The first few days are the most important for giving your new grafts the best chance of survival. You’ll be encouraged to take a few days off work to recover from surgery, and minimise the risk of dislodging your grafts. You may also be prescribed antibiotics to prevent hair transplant infection and pain medication to manage any discomfort.

Take Finasteride to improve hair growth

Finasteride is a hair loss prevention drug that is often prescribed to men before or after hair transplantation surgery. It can help prevent you from losing more hair and stimulate growth in both transplanted and non-transplanted hair. Research shows that Finasteride can visibly enhance hair growth after a hair transplant in a huge 94% of patients [4].

Use Minoxidil to minimise graft shedding

Minoxidil is another popular hair loss treatment — but it’s also been shown to encourage post-transplant hair growth while minimising graft shedding [5]. That means your transplanted hair may appear thicker, even in the early days and weeks after your transplant. Using topical Minoxidil after a FUT or FUE hair transplant can also increase hair density and accelerate regrowth [6].

Factors that impact hair growth results

The best way to ensure good, speedy results is to work with a reputable hair transplant clinic. Follicle overharvesting, unskilled surgeons, aggressive hairline design, poor patient selection, and inadequate graft storage are among the most common reasons that hair transplants fail [7]. You can avoid these by choosing a clinic with a qualified, experienced surgeon and an excellent track record of providing quality hair transplants.

What to do if your hair is growing more slowly than expected after a hair transplant

If you’re worried that your hair isn’t growing as quickly as it should be, talk to your hair transplant consultant. They’ll be able to examine your current rate of growth and determine if you need additional treatment. If you’re not taking Finasteride or Minoxidil, they may be able to prescribe this to stimulate hair growth.

They can also check you’re not being affected by other types of sudden or temporary hair loss, such as telogen effluvium.

Essential information about post-transplant hair growth

  • Everyone’s hair grows at different rates, so your transplanted hair may grow more quickly or slowly than other people’s.
  • Supplementary treatments like Minoxidil and Finasteride can promote hair growth and slow continuing hair loss if necessary.
  • If you’re young and/or still losing hair, your consultant should recommend methods to manage continuing hair loss.
  • Following your aftercare regime as closely as possible can give you a better chance of seeing faster, more sustained hair growth.
  • Hair transplants give you long-lasting results — find out how long a hair transplant lasts.
  • Be wary of clinics that make promises that seem too good to be true — they may damage your donor area in an attempt to meet your expectations.

More before & after hair transplant results from the Wimpole Clinic

Image of James Walton, patient advisor at Wimpole Clinic
Image of James Walton, patient advisor at Wimpole Clinic
Benjamin Lewitt before and after hair transplant
Image of Benjamin Lewitt, former Rugby Union Player
Jonathan Joseph hair transplant at the Wimpole Clinic

Bath Rugby centre Jonathan Joseph’s hair transplant


Restore your hair with a hair transplant from the Wimpole Clinic. See how we’ve helped our patients achieve a hairline that makes them look and feel confident.

Hair Transplant Growth Chart, Wimpole Clinic

Dr. Michael May (FRCS)
Medically reviewed by Dr. Michael May (FRCS)Updated on September 24, 2024
The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
Talk to a specialist ☎ 020 7935 1861.

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