Bradley Cooper's Hair Transplant: Hollywood’s Best-Kept Secret

Bradley Cooper’s Hair Transplant: Hollywood’s Best-Kept Secret?

Fans of Bradley Cooper have debated the star’s possible hair transplant for years. While it is clear the actor’s receding hairline has improved in recent years, some fans argue his new look may be due to a hairpiece or hair…

Norwood Stage 4: Photos, Treatments, Results

Norwood Stage 4: Photos, Treatments, Results

Men with male pattern baldness often worry about the progression of their condition. Will hair loss stop at a relatively early stage, or will it progress further on the Norwood Scale?Norwood 4 is a relatively advanced stage of hair loss, though your hair…

Best Rosemary Oil For Hair Growth

Best Rosemary Oil For Hair Growth: Which Blends Really Work?

Rosemary oil is one of the best-known natural remedies for hair loss. With several studies backing the use of rosemary oil to treat male pattern baldness, it’s unsurprising that so many people turn to rosemary oil for hair growth [1-4].But…

Hair Transplant Into Scar Featured Image

Hair Transplant Into Scar Tissue: Does It Work?

Major or visible scarring on your body is extremely common and can be distressing. In the developed world, more than 100 million people acquire scars each year from surgery, trauma, or conditions like scarring alopecia [1]. No matter what causes…

Can You Get A Hair Transplant If You Are Completely Bald?

Can You Get A Hair Transplant If You Are Completely Bald?

If you're completely bald, you may assume it's not possible to have a hair transplant. This is because in order to perform a full hair transplant on the scalp, a surgeon will need to harvest groups of healthy hair follicles from…

Can You Get Finasteride On The NHS?

Can you get Finasteride on the NHS?

At present, Finasteride 1mg for hair loss is not available for patients through the National Health Service. Only Finasteride 5mg is available to NHS patients with a legitimate medical condition. However, these Finasteride tablets are prescribed for conditions such as an enlarged…

How To Get Healthy Hair, According To Scientists

How To Get Healthy Hair, According To Scientists

Since 80% of men and 55% of women experience hair loss during their lifetime [1][2], many people go to great lengths to get healthy hair and keep it that way for as long as possible. Shiny, soft, full hair is…

Afro Hair: Types, Haircare, Hair Loss Advice

Afro Hair: Types, Haircare, Hair Loss Advice

Afro hair is an important part of many people’s identities. So taking good care of your hair is vital for keeping it healthy and looking its best.While there are now more products specifically designed to help you look after your…

Hair Loss Shampoo For Men

10 Best Hair Loss Shampoos That Work for Men: Expert Review 2024

If you are looking for the best hair loss shampoo for men, you are probably one of the 85% of males who experience hair thinning by the age of 50 [1]. Since hair loss is more common in men than…

How To Sleep After A Hair Transplant Surgery

How To Sleep After a Hair Transplant Surgery

Opting for a hair transplant is a great route of treatment for certain forms of hair loss, including male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness.Hair transplants have gained a significant amount of popularity over the past few years, especially with…


Weird & Wonderful: The History Of Hair Loss Treatments

It’s not just contemporary society that has a fascination with a hairy man; throughout the centuries, hirsuteness has been much sought after as a sign of virility and manliness. Modern treatments for hair loss, such as FUE, are incredibly effective with natural-looking and permanent results. Unfortunately, this hasn’t always been the case. Here’s a closer look at some of the treatments men have endured throughout history in an attempt to halt or reverse the hair loss process.
Can Hair Dye Cause Hair Loss?

Can I colour my hair after transplant?

Getting a hair transplant can do wonders for your self-esteem. Not only do you get the full head of hair that you have been dreaming of, but it is a great confidence booster. You will feel more confident and it will…

Does An Itchy Scalp Mean My Hair Is Growing?

Does An Itchy Scalp Mean My Hair Is Growing?

Eager for your hair to start growing? You could be looking for signs everywhere, especially if your scalp starts to itch.Unfortunately, in most cases, an itchy scalp doesn’t mean hair growth. In fact, an itchy scalp is more commonly linked…

1500 Grafts Hair Transplant: Coverage, Results, Costs

1500 Grafts Hair Transplant: Coverage, Results, Costs

When you’re considering a hair transplant, it’s important to know what you can expect your results to look like. Different graft quantities create different results depending on hair colour, density, and texture. Therefore, prospective patients should be aware of what…

Ludwig Scale Featured Image

Ludwig Scale: Causes, Stages & Treatment

Female pattern baldness is the primary cause of hair loss in women [1]. This type of female hair loss has many symptoms in common with other conditions, such as chronic telogen effluvium and alopecia areata, so it can be tricky…


4 Hair Loss Products That Work

As a Harley Street hair transplant clinic, we often come across queries about non-invasive hair restoration products aimed at reversing male pattern baldness and other types of hair loss, like female pattern hair loss, alopecia areata, and telogen effluvium. After…


Thicker, stronger and dandruff free hair in one bottle!

The scalp would normally defends itself against micro-organisms and fungus infections. It is often the case, however, that the defence system becomes weakened and fungal infections develop. When this occurs the scalp is unable to defend itself and develops a…

Hair transplant blog, Wimpole Clinic

How To Deal With Hair Transplant Trypophobia

In the UK, around 10 million people are thought to have phobias [1] and around 1 in 6 adults suffer from trypophobia [2]. If you feel uncomfortable, anxious, or afraid when you see clusters of small holes together, it could…

Gordon Ramsay

Gordon Ramsay Hair Transplant: Everything You Need To Know

Gordon Ramsay, the Michelin-starred chef and television personality, has been in the public eye for decades. As a result, his changing appearance has been witnessed and documented by fans and press alike, with special attention paid to Ramsay’s much-improved hairline.In…

Do Hair Growth Supplements Work? Expert Review And Analysis

Do Hair Growth Supplements Work? Expert Review And Analysis

Are you considering hair growth supplements to help combat hair shedding or thinning? If you’re experiencing these symptoms, you’re not alone. There are many types of hair loss, and the most common is androgenetic alopecia, which affects around 50% of…

Itchy Scalp And Hair Loss

Can an itchy scalp turn into hair loss?

Over 85% of men [1] and 50% of women [2] will experience some sort of hair loss during their lifetime.Although many people may panic when they start to notice their hair falling out or their scalp feeling itchy, it’s not…

Is Hair Loss Hereditary Featured Image

Is Hair Loss Hereditary?

As we age, it's common for our hair to start changing. When, however, it starts to thin out slightly around the hairline, or more obvious bald patches start to appear, it can cause a lot of stress and anxiety.If you've…

Can Women Use Finasteride?

Can Women Use Finasteride? 

Although hair loss is typically something that's associated with men, there are many women who also struggle with losing hair.In fact, more than 50% of women are expected to experience hair loss at some point in their life [1]. Although…

Is Rosehip Oil Good For Hair Featured Image

Is Rosehip Oil Good for Hair Loss? Evidence Review 2024

You may be wondering whether rosehip oil is good for hair loss, since its purported hair health benefits have started to receive a lot of attention online. There is no simple answer to that question since few scientific studies have…

Boy George Before And After Hair Restoration

Boy George Hair Transplant: Everything You Need To Know

Boy George, lead singer of the pop band Culture Club, has always been known for his eccentric style. Back in his 80s heyday, Boy George was known for his unusual headgear, including hats, braids, and other hair accessories that gave…

3000 Grafts Hair Transplant: Coverage, Results, Costs

3000 Grafts Hair Transplant: Coverage, Results, Costs

A 3000 graft hair transplant is usually offered to people with extensive hair loss across the temples and/or crown, giving them coverage across all their balding areas. Most male patients requiring 3000 hair grafts are at Norwood stage 5 to…

Hair Plugs Vs Hair Transplants

Hair Plugs vs Hair Transplant: What’s The Difference?

The revolutionary hair transplant techniques used at the Wimpole Clinic are still relatively new. As recently as the 1990s, hair transplant surgeons relied on hair plugs or hair implants to restore people's hair. While it may sound like there are some similarities…

Can You Use Minoxidil Once A Day?

Can You Use Minoxidil Once A Day?

Minoxidil is an effective solution for several different types of hair loss, including male-pattern baldness, female-pattern hair loss, and alopecia areata. To get the best results, you need to use Minoxidil consistently over several months.It’s usually recommended that men use…

Man Affected By Finasteride Shedding

Finasteride Shedding: What Is It And Why Does It Happen?

Finasteride has been used to treat hair loss and promote hair regrowth for many years now. It’s a hugely successful treatment, with one study finding that 83% of men suffering from male pattern baldness stopped losing hair while taking Finasteride…

Do You Need To Use Minoxidil After A Hair Transplant - Benefits & Results

Do You Need to Use Minoxidil After A Hair Transplant – Benefits & Results

If you're considering a hair transplant, your doctor has probably mentioned Minoxidil before. It's often recommended as a less invasive step before considering hair transplant surgery and is one of two FDA-approved treatments for men's hair loss on the market.However, for those…