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Hair Transplant to Lower Your Hairline

The main focus of a hair restoration surgery is to add volume to your hair, restoring your confidence. However, many people also want to achieve a low hairline with a transplant.

Low hairlines aren’t for everyone. The reality is that poor hairline planning could give you poor results from your hair transplant procedure. The wrong hairline can make your hair transplant look unnatural, and may result in further treatments to correct it. 

A good hair transplant should leave patients with a natural-looking head of hair that enhances their aesthetic appearance and their self-esteem. Planning your new hairline thoroughly with your surgeon can ensure your hair transplant delivers great results.

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What happens when your hairline recedes?

A receding hairline is a common symptom of male pattern baldness. It can also occur in advanced cases of female pattern baldness. It’s characterised by hair loss at the temples and just above the forehead.

A receding hairline is the main reason why many men want to lower their hairline with hair transplant surgery. When a receding or uneven hairline occurs, it blurs the frame of the face and can change your appearance, making you look older or more gaunt. This often leads to people requesting very low or very high hairlines when seeking a hair transplant.

Can I choose my own hairline when I have a hair transplant?

Your hair transplant team will of course take your desired hairline into consideration when they design it. However, it’s important to note that some people request a hairline that will look unnaturally low.

It’s great to have an idea of how you want your finished hair to look but it’s also a good idea to listen to the experts and follow their advice. That way, you’ll get a great, natural-looking hairline that’s just the right height.

Why your hairline shouldn’t be too low

Nobody has the perfect hairline. A very straight, flat or low hairline can look unnatural. Instead, you and your surgeon should find the right balance between where your hairline is positioned and its shape. This will help better frame your face, making sure your hair transplant looks natural.

A very low hairline can also complicate your hair transplantation procedure. It can use up valuable donor hair, which you may need if your surgery fails, or if you continue to experience hair loss later in life.

Finding the right hairline depth and shape

There are many factors to consider when planning a hairline, such as the type of hair, natural hairline curvature, insertion angle, and number of hair follicles. It’s about finding the balance between all factors to ensure great results.

You should also consider how your hair will look in the future. A low hairline on a young face may look fine now, but when you’re older, a low straight hairline can look a little incompatible with your age. Equally, a high hairline can prematurely age an individual, making them seek further transplants to compensate.

You also need to find a good balance between the shape and curvature of the hairline. If you opt for a hairline that’s too symmetrical or rounded it will inevitably look unnatural, especially as you age.

Ultimately, you want a solution that works for now, as well as for the future. An ethical hair transplant surgeon will help you find the right hairline. Find out if a big forehead hair transplant can improve your appearance.

Look beyond the aesthetics

During the hairline planning process you should think beyond the aesthetics of the hair transplant. With female or male pattern baldness, there is a high chance that further hair loss will occur, so when planning your hairline you need to consider the harvesting availability of healthy hair follicles for future procedures as well. If you harvest them all now with an inappropriately low hairline, you may not have enough to rectify any additional thinning hair later.

When is a low hairline a good idea?

In a few limited cases, a low hairline is the right choice for the patient. This is usually when they have a naturally low hairline, so the surgeon is simply following the natural route of their hair.

This can also be the case if the patient has already had hairline hair transplant surgery to create a low hairline, and this is another procedure designed to improve the initial transplant. After all, you can always lower a hairline that’s too high. If you get a very low hairline from the start, this is more difficult to reverse if you’re unhappy with it down the line.

Book a consultation to find a hairline that suits you

Planning your hairline should always be at the forefront of your mind with your hair transplant. Getting it wrong can not only leave you dissatisfied with the results, but also the cost of repairing it.

To find the right hairline shape for your face, speak to an experienced hair transplant consultant about hairline lowering surgery. They’ll work with you to select a hairline that suits you and continues to look good as you get older.

Hair Transplant to Lower Your Hairline, Wimpole Clinic

The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
Talk to a specialist ☎ 020 7935 1861.
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