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Robbie Williams Hair Transplant: Everything You Need To Know

Robbie Williams has been open about his hair loss in recent years. The former Take That star has talked about treatments as varied as hair transplants and toupées to hide his thinning hair.

But unlike most other celebrity hair transplants — such as Ben Stokes’s hair transplant and Rob Holding’s hair transplant — Robbie has had less success with the procedure. So what does Robbie Williams’s hair look like after more than 30 years in the spotlight?

Let’s take a tour of Robbie Williams’s hair throughout his career.

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Has Robbie Williams had a hair transplant?

Yes, Robbie Williams has had a hair transplant. On the Graham Norton Show, he said he’d had a “thatch” to address hair loss around his temples:

On the show, Robbie said:

“I’ve had a thatch done, I’ll tell everybody now. I didn’t even need it. That’s the weirdest thing. I had three months off, I got bored, so I thought, ‘I’ll go in.’ I got some round the sides [temples] done, and I actually didn’t need it.”

Unfortunately, not only did Robbie get a hair transplant before he needed one, the hair grafts didn’t actually take, leaving him with lacklustre results.

Robbie Williams hair transplant before and after

Robbie Williams reportedly had his hair transplant in 2013, so let’s compare some before and after photos:

Robbie Williams in 2012 (left) and 2014 (right)
Robbie Williams’s hair in 2012 vs 2014.

There does seem to be little difference between Robbie’s hairline pre- and post-hair transplant.

But he seems to be in the early stages of male pattern baldness at this stage, with some light frontal thinning. So even if a hair transplant wasn’t necessary, this would have been a good time to start using Finasteride, Minoxidil, or another type of non-surgical hair loss treatment for men.

Robbie Williams: hair loss timeline

While Robbie’s hair used to be thick and full, he has seen some substantial thinning over the years. Let’s take a look at how Robbie Williams’s hair loss has progressed over the course of his career.

Take That: 1990-1996

When Take That burst onto the scene in the 90s, Robbie Williams had a full hairline and thick hair across his scalp and crown:

young Robbie Williams in Take That

It’s unsurprising that Robbie’s hair stayed intact throughout this period. As the youngest member of Take That, he was just 16 when he joined the band. While some unlucky men see the first signs of thinning hair as a teenager, they’re the exception rather than the rule.

Solo career: 2000-2010

When Robbie Williams embarked on his solo career, his hairline stayed pretty straight despite a series of style changes over the decade.

Robbie Williams in 2000 (left) and 2010 (right)
Robbie Williams’s hairline in 2000 and 2010.

First hair transplant: 2013

In 2013, Robbie Williams had his hair transplant. But as Robbie himself noted, there were few changes in his hairline pre- and post-hair transplant:

Robbie Williams’s hair in February 2013 vs November 2013
Robbie Williams’s hair in February 2013 vs November 2013.

Robbie Williams also said he didn’t need a hair transplant at this point. His hair is around a Norwood 3, with substantial temple hair loss. But his frontal hairline and crown are still pretty full, suggesting his hairline is maturing rather than genuinely receding.

While it’s not known where Robbie Williams got his hair transplant, it probably took place at a Los Angeles hair transplant clinic. He’s said he was influenced to get surgery while living in LA, and Beverly Hills is a popular location for cosmetic surgery among the rich and famous.

Visible thinning: 2020-2021

Despite his hair transplant, Robbie Williams has shown visible signs of thinning in recent years, especially around his frontal hairline.

Robbie Williams 2020

In an Instagram post in 2021, he explained that his hair loss had led to a new experimental hairstyle:

“I’m losing my hair, I’m thinning and I thought instead of fighting against it I should just lean into it. The first step was doing a number one all over and to see how that looked. I thought that was OK. Then I thought while Ayda was out, I’d just shave a Mohican. This is what has happened.”

Robbie Williams mohawk 2021

Robbie Williams considered getting a second hair transplant around this time, but the extent of his hair loss led surgeons to advise against it:

“My hair is getting thinner and thinner. Nobody will give me a thatch job [hair transplant] because they say my hair is too thin. I’m just going to have to embrace what is happening: in real time, Robbie Williams, losing his hair.”

New styling: 2022-2023

Since deciding against a hair transplant, Robbie Williams has begun to experiment with other hairstyles to hide his receding hairline.

Robbie Williams in 2022 (left) and 2023 (right)
Hair brushed forward over his temples in 2022 and 2023.

He’s also discussed the possibility of wearing a wig on stage:

“I’m thinking of getting a hairpiece. There are these great wigs that you can get now, you have to shave all your hair off and then you have it placed on with glue and it sticks on for a couple of weeks. I might actually do it just for touring.”

Robbie doesn’t seem to have resorted to wearing a wig just yet, but human hair wigs can be a good way to boost your confidence in public.

How many hair grafts did Robbie Williams have?

While Robbie Williams has openly discussed his hair transplant, he hasn’t revealed how many hair grafts he received. It’s estimated he had around 1,000-1,500 grafts transplanted to his temples (zones one and two):

Informational graphic showing how many hair grafts are needed for male hair transplants

However, it’s possible he had more hair grafts due to hair transplant overharvesting. This may be the reason he doesn’t have enough grafts left for a second hair transplant.

Why do some hair transplants fail?

Hair transplants can fail for lots of different reasons. Common causes of a failed hair transplant include:

  • Overharvesting — If too many hair grafts are taken from your donor area, it can leave you with excessive thinning at the back or sides of the scalp.
  • Poor hairline design — Ambitious or unrealistic hairline design can leave you with unnatural-looking hair.
  • Poor aftercare — Not taking care of your grafts (especially in the early days) can compromise hair transplant success.
  • Unskilled surgeons — Choosing a surgeon or clinic without the skill and experience to perform a good hair transplant can lead to complications and hair transplant failure.

How to prevent a failed hair transplant

Despite his hair transplant, Robbie Williams’s hair has thinned a lot over the years. That’s why it’s so important to create a hair loss management plan with a trusted, experienced clinic.

Rather than looking for a one-and-done procedure, patients should consider including non-surgical treatments like Finasteride and/or Minoxidil to supplement their hair transplant. This prevents ongoing hair loss, helping you maintain your existing hair while also replacing lost hair.

If, like Robbie Williams, you’ve already had a procedure and are looking for further advice about tackling your hair loss, book a free consultation at the Wimpole Clinic.

Successful celebrity hair transplants

Most FUE and FUT procedures are more successful than Robbie Williams’s hair transplant, which is why so many celebrities turn to these procedures to enhance their hairlines. England cricket captain Ben Stokes revealed his hair transplant at the Wimpole Clinic, and how it improved his mental health as well as his hairline:

“When I had my hair done in 2018, I was 27 or 26 years old. Losing your hair at that young of an age is not something you want to be screaming and shouting about. It’s just amazing how much confidence I got after having [my procedure] and seeing the results. I wasn’t worried about it any more.”

Ben Stokes before and after hair transplant at the Wimpole Clinic

Watch the full interview with Ben here:

Robbie Williams Hair Transplant: Everything You Need To Know, Wimpole Clinic

The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
Talk to a specialist ☎ 020 7935 1861.
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