During the warmer summer period, many people experience more hair shedding than usual. A study showed female hair loss increased by up to 6% per day in summer, compared to the average hair loss rate [1]. Summer hair loss or seasonal hair loss can impact both men and women and is caused by many different factors from sun exposure to dehydration.
If you notice that you’re losing more hair in summer, you might be a little alarmed. However, with the right information, you can manage and even prevent summer hair loss.
When the weather is warmer, our bodies search for ways to conserve energy and keep us cool. Hair insulates our bodies, so when we’re already hot, our bodies don’t expend energy growing more of it.
Researchers monitored hair loss in 800 women over 6 years and found that there are more resting hair follicles over the summer months [2]. Hair follicles that are in the resting phase of the hair growth cycle shed their hair in preparation for regrowth, suggesting seasonal hair shedding can last well into autumn.
Exposure to sunlight also causes our bodies to produce less melatonin, which affects the hormone levels in your scalp. It signals hair follicles to carry out their natural shedding phase for longer than usual.
It’s worth remembering that most people shed around 100 hairs every day. It’s only if you notice significant hair loss that you may need to take preventative measures.
Dryness caused by heat and humidity can cause hair to break. This can lead to the appearance of thinner hair, even though you’re not actually losing hair from the follicle.
If your hair has a very dry or brittle texture, it’s likely that you’re experiencing hair breakage rather than hair loss. Use conditioner and nourishing oils, minimise heat exposure, and trim your ends regularly to improve the condition of your hair.
It’s not always easy to see what’s causing your hair loss. Lots of factors can contribute to women’s hair loss, which is why it’s important to get a professional diagnosis and female hair loss treatment plan that’s tailored to your needs.
There are lots of treatments and techniques you can try to encourage your hair follicles to wake up and see the sunshine.
Keeping your hair healthy is a great way to minimise the chance of hair loss and breakage. This includes:
These tips should be used all year round to avoid seasonal hair shedding in spring and summer and maintain healthy hair growth.
Certain treatments can help you stimulate your follicles to grow new hair. If you’re really worried about your summer hair loss, you can ask a trichologist to recommend non-surgical treatments like laser therapy for hair loss. Alternatively, you can try natural remedies such as coconut oil to try to improve your hair health.
Here’s how to use coconut oil to boost hair growth:
The most stylish and traditional way to protect your head is to wear a sun hat or scarf, but if you’re not a hat person, there are alternative ways to protect your hair in the sun.
Protective hair products are available to combat brittleness, dryness, and damage caused by sun, sea, and pollution. Many Brazilian women — for whom beach life is daily life — use protective hair oil when out in the sun. This helps their hair stay nourished, smooth, and intact.
Be careful of products that contain glycolic acid for hair, as this can make it more sensitive to sunlight.
Diet has a significant impact on the health of your hair. Like the rest of your body, hair needs nourishment to grow, so you need to eat a healthy, balanced diet to ensure your hair gets the nutrients it needs. Hair growth is an optional extra from your body’s point of view, so hair growth is one of the first things to be affected if you have nutritional deficiencies.
You also need to drink plenty of water to minimise the risk of summer hair loss. This is important all year round, but the heat makes dehydration much more likely in summer. Dehydration leads to dry, brittle hair, so make sure you’re drinking plenty of water to keep your hair full and fresh.
Some people also experience seasonal shedding in spring. As the weather becomes warmer, your hair follicles can react and move swiftly from their growth phase into their resting phase. Like summer hair shedding, spring hair shedding is usually temporary, and can be managed using the methods above.
A slight increase in hair loss over summer isn’t necessarily a cause for concern. Since dehydration may lead to hair loss, as well as UV exposure and heat, it’s normal for some people to experience greater hair loss.
However, if you’re losing significant amounts of hair, the cause may be beyond seasonal.
If you begin to see consistent heavy shedding across the scalp (for women) or in specific areas such as the crown or temples (for men), there may be a wider hair loss issue in play.
Androgenetic alopecia is the technical term for pattern hair loss. It’s also known as male pattern baldness in individuals who were assigned male at birth or female pattern baldness in individuals who were assigned female at birth. Each pattern hair loss condition presents differently.
For example, male pattern baldness starts with recurring hair loss over the crown and temples where hair does not regrow. Female pattern baldness, on the other hand, tends to begin with diffuse hair loss (thinning hair) with larger bald patches eventually occurring around the temples and the crown.
If you’re worried that your hair loss is permanent rather than seasonal, seek the help of a professional hair loss consultant. It can be distressing to learn you’re suffering from hair loss, but there are many treatments out there to help stimulate hair growth, restore lost hair, and prevent further hair loss.
At the Wimpole Clinic, we provide a range of hair loss and hair restoration options for those suffering from ongoing hair loss issues. We specialise in natural-looking hair transplant procedures and can also provide expert advice on non-invasive hair loss solutions such as lotions and medication.
We offer all our new clients a no-obligation hair loss consultation with our leading hair specialist. Get in touch with us now to find out more.
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