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The Bald With Beard Trend: How To Rock This Unique Look
Dr Peter Barron (GMC)
Medically reviewed by
Dr Peter Barron (GMC)
Updated on February 25, 2025

In recent years, the bald with beard look has taken over the world of men’s grooming. Up to 80% of men experience male pattern baldness by age 80 [1], meaning there’s a high demand for styles that look great when you’re lacking hair on your head. 

Combining a shaved or bald head with a well-groomed beard can achieve a stylish and masculine appearance that’s popular among famous bald celebrities, such as Dwayne Johnson and Terry Crews. A shaved head can be a great haircut for men who are balding on top

Whether you’re considering embracing your baldness, upping your beard game, or simply curious about this new trend, here’s everything you need to know. In this article, we’ll explore: 

  • The bald with beard trend
  • How to rock this look
  • How a beard transplant can help
  • The beard transplant procedure
  • Choosing the right style of facial hair
Table of Contents

The bald with beard trend

There’s a reason so many men opt for the bald with beard look. For starters, a beard can help define your facial features when styled correctly and create a balanced appearance when paired with a bald head. 

A beard can create a powerful look, and research suggests women may judge men with beards to have a higher social status than clean-shaven men [2]. Men with beards appear more trustworthy to others than men without them [3], a light stubble beard may increase attractiveness [4], and men with full beards may be seen as more masculine and socially mature [4].

Time efficiency is another reason to opt for the bald with beard look, which requires minimal effort compared to a full head of hair. Since there is no need for regular haircuts, you can save time and money. Furthermore, excess dihydrotestosterone (DHT) contributes to hair loss in men with male pattern baldness but promotes beard growth. For these men, going bald and bearded is an easy and natural choice.

Terry Crews bald with beard
Terry Crews and his signature bald with beard look

How to rock the bald with beard look

Careful beard grooming and styling can help you get the most out of your look. The first step is choosing the right beard style — options include a low-maintenance full beard style, goatee, stubble, and more. 

You should select a style that complements the shape of your face. This may become easier in the future, as technology is currently being developed that helps you choose a facial hair style based on the shape of your face [5]. We’ll discuss in more detail how to select the best type of beard later on. 

A defined jawline can create a more polished appearance in any beard style. Use a razor or trimmer to sculpt your beard, following the contours of your jaw. 

Take time to regularly groom your beard, shape the edges, remove stray hairs, and maintain a clean line at the neck. It’s worth remembering that employers consider grooming one of the most important physical factors when selecting a new employee [6].

Keep your beard well-hydrated and conditioned to prevent dry, brittle hair. Use a moisturising shampoo and conditioner designed for facial hair, and ask your barber for shampoo advice if you’re unsure. Invest in high-quality grooming tools, including razors, trimmers and beard oils (such as rosemary oil for beard growth) to keep your beard looking polished.

If your beard is going grey or has uneven colouring, consider dyeing it to even it out. This is down to personal preference, as a grey beard can look sophisticated, and there’s no need to dye it unless it makes you feel more confident. 

How can a beard transplant help? 

If you’re a fan of the bald with a beard look but you’re not able to grow the facial hair you want, help is available. A beard transplant can improve facial hair growth by moving hair follicles from the scalp to areas of the beard with patchy or absent hair. 

This procedure may offer a solution if you have sparse or uneven beard growth, are keen to cover facial scarring [7], or hope to grow a fuller, healthier beard

Causes of facial hair loss and reasons for a beard transplant

Here are some common causes of beard hair loss and reasons for beard restoration surgery:

  • Genetics — Your genes affect where facial hair grows, how thick or thin it is, and at what age your beard reaches its full potential [8]. Some men have genetically sparse, patchy, or completely absent beards and may wish to correct this. 
  • Scarring — Facial scarring from trauma, burns, folliculitis and previous surgery can affect the beard area. A hair transplant in scar tissue can be an effective way of concealing these scars [9]. 
  • Gender-affirming surgery — Transgender patients transitioning from female to male may wish for a beard transplant to create a more masculine look [9]. On the other hand, transgender hair restoration for male pattern baldness is common when transitioning from male to female. 
  • Traction alopecia — This causes hair loss due to prolonged tension on the hair follicles. Hairstyles such as tight ponytails can cause hair loss on the scalp, but this condition can also affect the beard. Traction alopecia of the beard is most common in Indian Sikh men, who often tie their beard into a ponytail, twist it, and knot it tightly under the chin [10]. A beard transplant can restore a thick, even beard for these men [11].
  • Long-standing alopecia barbae — Alopecia barbae is a type of alopecia areata, an autoimmune condition that causes your body’s defence system to attack hair follicles mistakenly. This leads to hair loss on the scalp or other areas and may be the reason you’re growing a patchy beard. If natural ways to fix a patchy beard don’t work for you, your trichologist may recommend medications such as Minoxidil or corticosteroids. Some people with stable hair loss may be a candidate for a beard transplant [11], but this comes with a risk of activating the dormant autoimmune condition which could cause sudden loss of transplanted follicles. A trichology assessment is essential before a beard transplant can be considered.
Patchy beard due to alopecia barbae
Patchy hair loss on the beard caused by alopecia barbae

Men in their teens or early twenties are often advised to wait before having a transplant if their beard is still growing. Most beards continue to develop in thickness and coarseness between ages 18-30 [8], so younger men seeking a beard transplant may benefit from waiting rather than rushing into surgery. However, the best age for a beard transplant differs widely from person to person. 

A beard transplant involves harvesting hair follicles from a donor area on the scalp (often the back or sides of the head) and then transplanting them into the beard area. The transplanted hair follicles continue to grow naturally with long-lasting results. Your new beard shape can be customised based on your preferences, and your surgeon will work with you to design a shape that complements your face.  

Results of a beard and moustache transplant
Results of a beard and moustache transplant [11]

The beard transplant procedure

A beard transplant is a skilled procedure that requires a highly trained hair transplant surgeon. Here’s what to expect during the beard transplant process. 

  1. Initial consultation — Before having a beard transplant, you’ll consult with a surgeon who is experienced in the procedure. During this consultation, the surgeon will assess your facial hair growth patterns, discuss your goals, and determine whether a beard transplant is suitable for you. You’ll have a cooling-off period to reflect on the discussion before making a decision. 
  2. Preparation — On the day of the procedure, you will arrive at the clinic to prepare for the transplant. Your surgeon will cleanse the donor and recipient areas on your scalp, and give you a local anaesthetic and sedative to keep you comfortable during surgery.
  3. Donor hair harvesting — Your surgeon will carefully select a donor area on your scalp where there is plenty of healthy hair growth. individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor site using either Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)
  4. Recipient site preparation — Your beard area is also prepared for the transplant. The surgeon creates tiny incisions in the areas of desired hair growth, following the natural growth pattern of existing facial hair.
  5. Transplantation — The harvested hair follicles are transplanted into the recipient sites in the beard area. The surgeon places the follicles in a natural-looking alignment, density, and growth direction, blending the new hair with your current facial hair [12].
  6. Beard transplant aftercare — Once the transplant is complete, you will receive guidelines for caring for your newly transplanted beard hair. This may include avoiding strenuous activities, keeping the transplant area clean, avoiding smoking, and taking any prescribed medications. 
  7. Recovery — Downtime is usually minimal after a beard transplant, and any discomfort or swelling usually eases within a couple of weeks. The transplanted hair follicles will gradually shed in the weeks following the procedure before entering a dormant phase. New hair growth will begin to emerge within 4-6 months [13], with final results becoming visible over several months to a year.

Choosing the right beard style

To choose your perfect style, consider what your beard says about you. A small study investigated the effect of men’s beards on how they were perceived by women. Here are the results [4]: 

  • Men with a full beard were considered the most masculine, aggressive, socially mature, and older. 
  • Men with a light beard were considered the most dominant. 
  • Men with light stubble were considered the most attractive and preferred for short-term and long-term relationships.

This study used only 15 male faces and interviewed just 60 women, so these results can’t be assumed to reflect the views of all women. However, it points towards a clear pattern between beard style and first impressions. Here are some things to bear in mind when choosing your beard style.

  • Face shape — There are several different face shapes and many types of beard — a professional stylist can give you personalised guidance on how to trim your beard. For example, if you have a round face, a beard that is long on the chin with close shaved sides will add length to your face and make it appear less round [14].
  • Hair density — The thickness and density of your facial hair can affect which beard styles will look best on you. Opt for styles that require less density if you have sparse facial hair, such as stubble or a goatee. If you have thick facial hair, you have more flexibility to experiment with longer, fuller styles like a full beard or a lumberjack beard. People with naturally sparse facial hair will have more beard style options after a transplant
  • Maintenance — Be honest about how much time and effort you’re willing to invest in beard maintenance. Some styles, like short stubble or a chinstrap, require minimal upkeep, while longer styles may require more grooming to keep them looking tidy.
  • Your personality — Like a hairstyle, your beard style reflects your personality, so choose one that resonates with you. Whether you prefer a rugged, outdoorsy look or a sleek, sophisticated vibe, there’s a beard for you.
  • You can change your mind — Don’t be afraid to experiment with different beard styles to find the one that suits you best. You can always adjust the length and shape over time.

Choosing the right clinic for your beard transplant

So, you’ve decided to embrace the bald with beard look, but your beard doesn’t grow how you want it to. A beard transplant can give you the facial hair you’ve been dreaming of, but it’s important to choose the right surgeon and clinic. Your chosen clinic should offer a comprehensive consultation process to make sure the procedure is right for you. 

If you’re seeking a beard transplant due to beard hair loss, the first step is a consultation with a trichologist. These hair doctors will complete a set of diagnostic trichology tests, such as blood tests for hair loss, to get to the root cause of your facial hair shedding. They can determine whether you may be a candidate for a beard transplant and refer you to one of our expert surgeons.

With some of the best hair transplant surgeons in the UK, the Wimpole Clinic offers a high level of expertise and natural-looking beard transplants. We have a beard transplant success rate between 97-100% and have been in the hair restoration business for nearly 50 years. Book an appointment at one of our clinic locations to get started.

The Bald With Beard Trend: How To Rock This Unique Look, Wimpole Clinic

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The Bald With Beard Trend: How To Rock This Unique Look, Wimpole Clinic

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The Bald With Beard Trend: How To Rock This Unique Look, Wimpole Clinic

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The Bald With Beard Trend: How To Rock This Unique Look, Wimpole Clinic

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The Bald With Beard Trend: How To Rock This Unique Look, Wimpole Clinic

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Dr Peter Barron (GMC)
Medically reviewed by Dr Peter Barron (GMC)Updated on February 25, 2025
The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
Talk to a specialist ☎ 020 7935 1861.
Dr Peter Barron (GMC)
Medically reviewed by
Dr Peter Barron (GMC)
Updated on February 25, 2025
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