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5 Beard Styles You Can Have After A Transplant

Nearly 50% of men will have difficulties growing a full beard. To those who have no issues with facial hair, this may not sound like a huge deal or even a blessing not having to battle with a razor everyday to keep the ‘five o’clock shadow’ at bay.

However, for a lot of men who have issues with beard bald spots or patchy facial hair it can have a significant psychological effect. Facial hair on men is seen as a key sign of masculinity, maturity and virility [1-2].

Your beard can also say a lot about you. So having a boyish face or uneven hair growth can alter the appearance, perception and sexual appeal of some men.

Here are just five beard designs that are entirely possible post beard transplant.

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What is a beard transplant?

Thankfully there is now a permanent solution for gentlemen who have been longing to grow bushy sideburns, a full beard or even just sport some designer stubble – a beard transplant.

The procedure is fairly quick and painless and after around 3 months new hair will grow where there was no hair before, leaving you with endless options when it comes to styling the latest trends in facial hair for the future. 

1. The full beard

Jason Momoa's full beard style

One of the biggest trends in facial hair that has been around for a few years now and seems set to continue is the full beard. The full beard is one of many facial hair styles rocked by Jason Momoa. You don’t have to look far to find guys sporting full beard styles in varying lengths and different beard designs.

With a beard transplant you can jump on the bandwagon and be stroking your beard thoughtfully all day long – but remember even bushy beards need a little taming and grooming to keep them looking great. Learn more about how to trim your beard for professional results.

2. Business beard

Idris Elba's business beard style

Growing a beard doesn’t always have to be about making it as full and long as possible though, and the business beard is a great middle ground for guys who want to maximise their ability to grow a beard, but still retain a smart and well-groomed appearance. It offers full facial hair coverage, but is kept short to make it look more professional.

3. Designer stubble

Chris Hemsworth's designer stubble beard style

Of course, not everyone will want to grow a full beard. But with the ability to grow facial hair on all areas of your face, you can now achieve desirable designer stubble without having fine hair, fluffy tufts or bare patches ruining your look.

4. Styled beards

Will Smith's designer beard

If you want your stubble or short beard to look a little more deliberate and groomed, then you also have the option to experiment with a razor and find a goatee, moustache or a combination of the two that meets your requirements. But if you are braving a styled beard, make sure you keep the lines nice and clean and symmetrical.

5. Manly moustaches

Henry Cavill's manly moustache

Moustaches have made a comeback in recent years, not least because of Movember — a campaigns that raises awareness of prostate cancer. However, beyond Movember, more and more men are styling their faces with moustaches in all shapes and sizes. Whether you go for a retro Trucker style, bushy rock star or a slimline artist style with a beard transplant you have limitless scope.

Want to know more about creating a beard that looks and feels great? Read our complete beard grooming guide.

Enhance your beard with a beard transplant

At our London hair transplant clinic, we offer a number of hair transplant options including facial hair surgery such as beard transplants and moustache transplants. A beard transplant can help patients to regain confidence and achieve the beard designs they’ve always dreamed of.

View our gallery of beard transplants before and after surgery to see how our patients have styled their facial hair post-transplant.

5 Beard Styles You Can Have After A Transplant, Wimpole Clinic

The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
Talk to a specialist ☎ 020 7935 1861.
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