The Norwood Scale is a chart used to measure male pattern baldness. Trichologists and other medical hair specialists can use it to assess your hair loss and suggest the best possible treatment.
Norwood 3 is one of the earliest stages on the hair loss scale that characterises true balding. Unlike stages 1 and 2, men at Norwood 3 will see a real change in their hairline, and possibly their crown:
In this article, you’ll learn:
Norwood 3 hairlines are very common. Even A-list male celebrities have this level of hair loss, including Harry Kane, Daniel Craig, and Tom Hanks:
A Norwood 3 hairline is characterised by a moderately receding hairline. As you can see, this type of hairline can develop at any age. Before his possible hair transplant, Harry Kane was just 25 when his hairline receded to this stage. Daniel Craig is 56, and Tom Hanks is 67.
There’s also a variation on Norwood 3 hair loss known as Norwood 3A or 3 vertex. This is when you’ll first start to notice signs of thinning on your crown, sometimes (but not always) alongside temple hair loss.
For some individuals experiencing Norwood 3A, the hairline recedes but it is less defined and obvious. These two Wimpole Clinic patients have Norwood 3A balding:
There’s no set time limit as to how long it takes to progress from Norwood 2 to Norwood 3. Some men will never progress to this stage, even if they’ve had Norwood 2 hair since they were a teenager. Others may not see any hair loss in their twenties, only to develop fast and significant hair loss in their thirties and forties.
Take note of any hair shedding. If you notice a lot of hair loss in the shower, this could be a sign that your pattern hair loss is progressing.
The best way to diagnose your hair loss is to see a trichologist. They can perform specific tests to ascertain the extent of your hair loss, and whether it’s likely to progress to Norwood 4, Norwood 5, and further stages of male pattern baldness.
There are several options for treating hair loss at this relatively early stage of androgenetic alopecia. Here are some of the most popular and successful treatments to combat hair loss.
Minoxidil is a topical solution that’s easy to apply and has minimal side effects [1]. One study found that applying a 5% Minoxidil solution resulted in 45% more hair regrowth than the 2% Minoxidil solution in men, so it’s generally recommended that men at Norwood stage 3 use the 5% solution [2].
Finasteride is the most popular non-surgical hair loss solution recommended by hair transplant surgeons [3]. Results show that it can reduce hair loss in [4]:
Crown hair loss is particularly receptive to Finasteride use, so it’s a good solution if you’re a Norwood 3A patient. Finasteride is also often recommended alongside a hair transplant to prevent further hair loss.
A hair transplant is a very effective way to treat this stage of male pattern baldness. Your hair loss hasn’t yet progressed to a stage where it’s difficult to achieve good hair density, and there are plenty of healthy hair follicles available in your donor area.
Norwood 3 is a good stage to opt for hair transplant surgery. As well as getting great results, your hair transplant may be cheaper due to not requiring as many hair grafts to restore your lost hair.
On average, a Norwood stage 3/3A patient needs:
These 3 patients were at Norwood stage 3 before having a hair transplant at the Wimpole Clinic. As you can see in these before and after hair transplant photos, our surgeons have achieved significant hair regrowth and hair density, filling in the crown and lowering the hairline:
Grafts: 800Procedure: FUE
Grafts: 1,000Procedure: FUE
Grafts: 1,200Procedure: FUE
At the Wimpole Clinic in London, we have a fantastic track record of restoring stage 3 hairlines with hair loss prevention treatments such as Minoxidil or Finasteride along with other alternative therapies.
To transform your look, book a free consultation to speak with a hair loss specialist about how we can best help you restore your lost hair and prevent further loss.
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