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Pubic Hair Transplant: Procedure, Costs, Results, Side Effects
Dr. Correia (GMC)
Medically reviewed by
Dr. Correia (GMC)
Updated on July 5, 2024

The role of a pubic hair transplant is to restore hair to the pubic area. This procedure can reverse the effects of laser hair removal and treat a range of medical conditions that cause pubic hair loss. 

Pubic hair transplants generally have high success rates. On average, patients gave satisfaction scores of 4.5 out of 5 (with 5 as the best) following pubic hair transplants [1]. Here is everything you need to know about pubic hair transplants, including details on the procedure, costs, results, recovery, and side effects. 

Table of Contents

What is a pubic hair transplant?

A pubic hair transplant restores hair to your pubic region using hair grafts from another part of the body. Grafts are usually taken from the back or sides of the scalp. 

For some people, an unwanted absence of pubic hair can lower self-confidence and cause psychological stress [2]. One study found that 73.8% of Korean women who chose to have a pubic hair transplant did so due to a sense of inferiority to other women [3]. 

There are many reasons that someone may wish to have a pubic hair transplant. Here are some of the most common:


While it’s widely known that ageing can cause hair thinning on your scalp, fewer people know that this can also affect your pubic area. Age-related hair loss can affect any hair on your body, including your pubic hair. Just like the hair on your head, pubic hair can thin and fall out as you get older [4]. 


Pubic atrichosis or hypotrichosis commonly affects Korean women of Mongolian origin [3]. Many women with this condition opt for hair restoration surgery, as pubic hair is seen as a sign of sexual health and fertility in Korea [1].


A pubic hair transplant can be used as a gender-affirming procedure to correct an unwanted hair pattern or hair loss in transgender people [5]. The procedure can be used to cover up surgical scars or provide more hair in the pubic area to give a more masculine or feminine appearance. 


Some people grow less hair in their pubic region than they would like due to their genetics. A pubic hair transplant is a permanent way to achieve a fuller look. 

Laser hair removal 

Laser hair removal permanently removes pubic hair, and people sometimes regret having undergone the procedure. A pubic hair transplant can restore hair that would otherwise be unable to grow there. 

Other factors that can cause pubic hair loss include hormonal changes, ageing, burns, medications like chemotherapy and autoimmune conditions such as alopecia universalis, which can cause hair loss throughout your entire body [6]. If you want to restore hair to your pubic region, book a consultation to get started. 

How public hair transplant is done

What does a pubic hair transplant look like?

When you have a pubic hair transplant, you can choose how you would like your pubic hair to look. Choices include a horizontal type (an inverted triangle shape), acuminate (a tapered, inverted V shape spreading up towards the navel) and sagittal (a narrow, vertical band extending up towards the navel) [8].

Here are some examples of the different types of pubic hair you can choose for your transplant [9]. 

Types of pubic hair you can choose for hair transplant

The image below shows the results of a 42-year-old woman’s pubic hair transplant. The transplant was arranged after she unsuccessfully tried minoxidil, steroid injections, and intensive mineral supplements [9]. 

Example of a pubic hair transplant

How is a pubic hair transplant done?

Your surgeon will work with you to decide the best donor area for your pubic hair transplant. This is often the back of the head if it has sufficient hair density. 

Once the donor area has been selected, the number of grafts needed for the procedure is calculated. For a small area, fewer grafts are needed, and for a large area, a larger number of grafts are needed.

The follicular unit extraction (FUE) or follicular unit transfer (FUT) method is then used to harvest the grafts. As the FUE method has an easier recovery than FUT and prevents a linear scar, many people prefer this method for their pubic hair transplant. 

The difference between FUE and FUT lies in the method used to harvest hair follicles. The FUE method involves harvesting individual hair follicles from your hair, which are then transplanted to your pubic region. 

FUE and FUT consultation

The FUT method involves taking a thin strip of skin from your scalp that contains all the follicles needed for transplantation to your scalp. This procedure is quicker and often cheaper, but leaves a thin scar on your scalp and results in a longer recovery time. 

After using either FUE or FUT to harvest the hair grafts, they are inserted into your pubic region in a pattern that looks natural, based on your preferences. Local anaesthesia is used throughout, often alongside a sedative to make you feel sleepy and relaxed [7].

How much does a pubic hair transplant cost?

The cost of a pubic hair transplant differs based on a number of factors. These include:

  • How many follicles you need to replace 
  • How experienced your surgeon is
  • The location of the clinic 
  • Whether your hair is grafted using the FUE or FUT method

At Wimpole Clinic, prices for a pubic hair transplant start from £3,499. Our initial consultation is free and will determine the best treatment plan for you.

Can hair be transplanted from the pubic area to the scalp?

Yes, the procedure can be done in reverse, using the pubic region as a donor site to treat hair loss on the scalp or another part of the body [10]. However, this is not done very often because pubic hair is often not the best option for donor hair. It is usually curly with a rough texture, which may not match the hair on your scalp. 

Transplanting pubic hair to the scalp or elsewhere on the body is usually a last resort when there is a lack of viable donor hair in other body areas. The chest or beard are often better options to transfer to the scalp.  

Recovery after a pubic hair transplant

Recovery after a pubic hair transplant

You will need to take care of your transplanted hair for the first 2 weeks post-op, as the grafts settle in during that time and will not be secure [7]. Your surgeon will advise you on ways to optimise recovery, including how long you may need to rest from work, exercise, and sexual activity. 

You can usually remove any bandages between 2 and 5 days, but you should avoid touching the grafts until the sixth day, when you can gently wash your new hair [7].

Your transplanted hair often falls out after a few weeks, but don’t worry; it will grow back later. New hair usually starts to regrow around 4 months after the procedure, and the final results are visible around 10-18 months. Once the new hair starts growing again, it should continue to grow permanently [7]. 

What are the risks and side effects of a pubic hair transplant?

There are some common, minor side effects associated with a pubic hair transplant (and any type of hair transplant). These include [7]:

  • Swelling and aching for a few days where the hair was transplanted
  • Scabbing where the hair was transplanted
  • Several very tiny scars or one larger scar, depending on the method of transplant used
Potential pubic hair transplant risks and complications

Possible complications

Pubic hair transplants are generally safe, but all operations come with some risk. Although hair transplants are generally safe, these risks include [7]:

  • Allergic reaction to the anaesthetic
  • Bleeding
  • The hair transplant does not take, and the hair falls out
  • Infection
  • A noticeable scar forms (this is more likely with FUT due to the larger incision used with this method)

Your surgeon will explain how likely these risks are and how they would be treated. You can then make an informed decision about whether a pubic hair transplant is right for you.

What are the alternatives to a pubic hair transplant?

A pubic hair transplant is the best option to restore permanent, natural-looking pubic hair. There are a couple of other options which are less invasive but also less permanent. These include: 

  • Minoxidil – This medication prolongs the growth phase of hairs and increases hair follicle size. It may be a suitable treatment for some types of pubic hair loss. [11]
  • A hairpiece – A pubic hairpiece, known as a merkin, can be worn as a temporary solution.
  • Microblading – Microblading is a type of semi-permanent tattoo. Different patterns are used to create the illusion of hair using ink. 
  • Corticosteroids – Corticosteroids may improve hair loss caused by alopecia areata [12] or other inflammatory or autoimmune conditions.

Why choose Wimpole Clinic for your pubic hair transplant?

If you’re looking for a permanent solution to pubic hair loss, Wimpole Clinic can help. Our consultants have extensive experience in both FUE and FUT methods of hair transplantation and can help you get your confidence back.

If you’re ready to get started, book an appointment with a trichologist. Our trichologists are experts in hair loss management — they will identify the cause of your pubic hair loss and recommend a treatment plan in line with your preferences.

Pubic Hair Transplant: Procedure, Costs, Results, Side Effects, Wimpole Clinic

Dr. Correia (GMC)
Medically reviewed by Dr. Correia (GMC)Updated on July 5, 2024
The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
Talk to a specialist ☎ 020 7935 1861.
Dr. Correia (GMC)
Medically reviewed by
Dr. Correia (GMC)
Updated on July 5, 2024
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