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Beard Transplant Aftercare and Post-Op Itch

Beard transplants are a fantastic option for men who are unable to grow a full beard on their own, or are experiencing patchy or thinning spots in the beard. Beard hair transplant surgery is a fairly simple surgical procedure that is performed in the comfort of your hair transplant clinic.

The procedure itself only takes a few hours (depending on the amount of new hair that needs to be transplanted). However, the beard transplant recovery process can take a month or more. During this time, you may experience a lot of itching in the transplanted area post-hair transplant surgery.

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Why does my beard itch following beard transplantation?

Itching in the transplanted area is a normal part of the healing process and happens when the scabs start to crust over post-transplant. As tempting as it might be to scratch the itching area, it’s very important not to scratch as it might harm newly implanted follicles.

How to deal with beard itching after a beard transplant procedure

Sometimes the post-operation beard itch can become unbearable. Here’s how to deal with it if your beard itch gets a little too much.

1. Don’t scratch your beard hair grafts

It’s essential to avoid the temptation to scratch the newly transplanted hair follicles under any circumstances. All hair transplants have a risk of post-hair transplant infection and scratching and picking at the treated area can increase this risk. Avoid removing any of the scabs before the skin underneath has healed.

If you have scratched your beard, and notice any bleeding, excessive swelling, or inflammation, you should notify your hair transplant surgeon or aftercare team as soon as possible.

You may need an antibiotic to avoid infection. If you’re finding that the itching is too much to bear, contact your surgeon or aftercare team, they may be able to prescribe you something that can help.

2. Use a medicated shampoo

Most hair restoration clinics will provide you with an aftercare pack that includes a mild medicated shampoo or lotion designed to help the area heal as effectively as possible. It is likely, however, that your hair transplant surgeon or aftercare team will instruct you to not shampoo your beard for the first 24 hours.

Once you are able to shampoo the beard implant area, the medicated shampoo provided should offer you some relief.

3. Don’t shave your face

You may be tempted to shave your itchy beard hairs off as a quick means of relief. However, this is the worst thing that you can do.

Shaving your scratchy facial hair increases the risk of the treated area getting cut, or worse infected. It’s also pointless as it is not the beard that’s making you itch, it’s the scabbing and inflammation from the beard transplant surgery.

You shouldn’t shave your beard for at least one month after your hair transplant.

4. Remember that the itching will subside

Nearly all men who undergo beard transplant surgery will experience at least some level of beard itch post-surgery. The good news is that this sensation rarely lasts for more than a week or so.

It is very rare that hair transplant patients report itching that is severe or painful. It’s important to remember that one week of mild itching or discomfort will eventually subside and will eventually be followed by new beard growth within 3-4 months.

What else should I do to aid in beard transplant recovery?

In addition to keeping the transplanted beard area clean and dry, there are a number of other things you can do to help aid in beard transplant recovery.

Lifestyle changes

  • All scalp and facial hair transplant patients are advised to refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol both prior to and after hair restoration surgery until the transplant has fully healed. Learn more about the effect smoking and alcohol consumption has on hair health.
  • Eating a healthier diet. A healthy diet means a healthy diet that can not only help you heal from surgery, but also promote healthy hair regrowth. Learn more about what foods to eat for healthier hair.
  • Avoid unnecessary stress. Stress can hinder the body from healing properly. Try to practice self-care and take it easy in the days following your transplant surgery.
  • Avoid direct sunlight. While the transplanted beard area is healing, try to avoid harsh direct sunlight as UV radiation can harm newly implanted hair follicles.


  • Taking the time to rest will not only help you hide away while your face is healing from the redness and swelling but it can also give you the time necessary to help fully recover. We recommend transplant patients take a couple of days off before going back to work after a hair transplant.
  • In addition to rest, you’ll also need to take a few days off from the gym. Strenuous activities can cause strain on the newly implanted follicles. Furthermore, sweat from exercise can irritate the transplanted follicles. Learn more about working out after a hair transplant.
  • Sleep in an elevated position. While the hair grafts are taking root, they are fragile and susceptible to dislodgement. Therefore, sleeping in an elevated position on your back will help the hair grafts avoid direct contact with any kind of surface or object that could move them out of place. Learn more about how to sleep after a hair transplant.

When will I start to see new beard growth?

The good news is that following your beard transplant procedure, you will immediately be able to see your new beard hairline. However, due to the trauma of surgery, the transplanted beard hairs will start to fall out in about 2-3 weeks post-surgery. This type of hair loss is known as shock loss and is completely normal.

Hair transplant patients will start to see new beard hair growth in 2-3 months post-surgery with full and final results around 12 months after the initial transplant procedure.

Post-op beard styling guide

Another good way to get through the beard transplant post-operative itch is to distract yourself from your irritated hair follicles. While you’re waiting for the itch to subside, check out these beard styles you can have after a beard transplant and get some inspiration from the best beards around.

Learn more about beard transplants with the following articles:

Are you interested in quality facial hair transplantation?

A successful beard transplant depends not only on the skill and technique of the hair transplantation surgeon but also on a good aftercare program.

At the Wimpole Clinic, providing quality patient care is one of our top priorities. Whether it be working with you to provide the right hair loss treatment options for you, performing successful scalp and facial hair transplants, or making sure your aftercare is top-notch, we make sure that all our patients are provided the best care.

Learn more about the services we can provide you by booking a free consultation today.

Beard Transplant Aftercare and Post-Op Itch, Wimpole Clinic

The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
Talk to a specialist ☎ 020 7935 1861.
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